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Member Since 06 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2008 08:15 PM

Topics I've Started

Assertion ChDataTypes.cpp at line 250

25 March 2008 - 07:43 PM

I have this assertion, I read about it here: http://www.bioware.c...t/assertion/#04

But If possible I want to avoid re-installation since I have quite a few mods loaded.

It only happens when I click the character button (the one that describes the stats, level up, reform party, etc...). As long as I don't click the button the game runs normally.

I can make new games with pre-existing characters and I have no problem. However, upon character creation, when I press "Classes" I get the same assertion error.

The problem seemed to start when I did the Bard quest, and accepted the theater stronghold even though I wasn't a bard (with ease of use mod). Now, the file for the classes seems corrupt. Haer'Dalis may have triggered the file corruption since his inventory screen crashed the game out too. He also looked discolored in the paper doll and in the game (like stoneskin).

Is there a way to try to redeem some class file or is a re-installation inevitable? If I must re-install, can I only partially re-install? Perhaps leaving the WeiDu mods intact?

editing spell tables

24 March 2008 - 03:51 PM

How do you edit the spell tables for the sorcerer class? BG2 Tweak pack did it, and they had a .2da of the table in their directory, but I'm not sure what to do with it. All I want to do is a quick edit of the proper file. Which file and tool would best serve that purpose?

Where is viconia?

16 March 2008 - 04:22 PM

I tried to find Viconia in Peldvale on two different installs (bigmoshi's auto install, and on my own custom install with less mods loaded). Did she get moved? Was I supposed to find her in a certain chapter?

I might just give up on finding her in BG1, if I do, will I still find here in her normal BG2 state in the Government district?

Math tables

12 March 2008 - 01:26 PM

Anyone know any links listing progression tables or math equations for the D&D mechanics? Stuff that, for example, details all the bonuses an attribute charisma has for a sorcerer. The manual does not detail much!

Installing BGT

10 March 2008 - 07:58 PM

I got this message:

ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [DDKIV1.BCS] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.

while trying to install on a clean install.  I reinstalled BG1 several times (and BG2), but I always get this message.  Any ideas on what the problem is?  The only previous mods are valen and BGFixpack.  

Should I try valen after BGT?  Previously I used the auto installer and it didn't put up a fuss, but with the manual install I can't get past this problem.