Goto,not available in this poll but yeah,he's the one npc out the of 2 games i would have like to eject out the trash suit,forcing himself on you with his terrorist tactics and then he fries tm3.
The guys i miss are mission and her wookie buddy...I guess it's cause she gives off that little sister vibe in relation to your char,anyway always enjoyed having her in my group.
Now on bastilla,I really would like her back in,while they tried to replace her as the female interest in kotor 2 with three other females,all of them could not manage to recapture what one bastilla did,Some perceive her as arrogant smug...bitchy,but the truth is you guys may not be picking up on her complex character
when you first meet her on taris she denies you saved her right then and there even though she saw it with her own eyes and there allot of others there who saw the same and finally gives in...sorta,she spends most of the rest of the game giving you lectures over how to behave as a jedi when she herself walks very much in the shadow of he darkside,IE her attitude,thus why she is so easily corrupted...also because the entire jedi way of things are seriously flawed....,She act all serious and stuff yet when you tease her she actually likes it even though she says otherwise...truth is i just knew her char would react that way i was able to quickly pick up on her personality,and then when she should hold back at having feelings for revan she can't and won't,her char is always in contradiction with herself making her an interesting personality, i guess also you say she was childish acting very stiff and proper while being someone different inside...i guess i as i could see right through this i found it cute.
Yeah i know allot about my thoughts on bastilla but since i always see in a forum negative things about her i thought i'd share my perspective.
I was wondering if anyone felt like me that your so called allies in kotor2 some of which become your padawans,gave you no respect, I mean they gave some lip which some as your padwans should not be doing...that kinda makes you feel like not playing another round of the game, mira was the more rude of the girls,gato...well makes you want to shoot him annon seemed to have pms sometimes kreia got a tad annoying with her assumptions and lecturing,yeah i know why is she annoying and bastilla not?because she is that,it's her true self, not a facet of her self or a front like bastilla,the jedi Council well let's just say that despite being an overzealous lightsider i would have like to put them away personally and might i add i don't believe that crap about stunning you...i mean they're a bunch of wimps...that and i take offense that they lure you there to ambush you...jedi huh? showin ther true colors....
others i'd like to return are brianna(handmaiden) visas and jolee....oh baodur was cool as well..weak in combat though
the return of the exile and revan is wanted for sure
Member Since 18 Feb 2008Offline Last Active Feb 19 2008 04:48 AM