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Member Since 14 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2009 09:44 PM

Topics I've Started

SMM: Too much XP?

26 January 2008 - 12:18 AM

Hey I know this isn't a bug or anything, so this is probably the wrong forum, but I know BigMoshi will see it if I go here :P

Just a quick question... is there any way to make the game a little more... challenging?  I'm finding the game a way too easy now that I'm a ways into it.  I've cleared all the wilderness areas, done Restenford, done all the chapters up and including the Cloakwood... but I haven't entered BG city yet.  I decided here that before going in to BG I'd do some TotSC stuff (note... I have NOT done any DSotSC stuff because I do not wish to break up my party just for Jet'laya).  First big TotSC quest I do is the far northern ice cave dungeon.  Now, I've noticed for quite a while the the game was getting too easy, but this place took the cake.  I literally WALKED right through the place, even the mages that are in there.  Now, I remember this place being a hell of a fight.  So yeah, just wondering if anything can be done... it's too bad the difficulty slider does crap all... monsters doing 50% more or 100% more damage doesn't mean squat when they're not hitting you to begin with!

P.S. average party level is around 7 or 8.


Text bug in Bone Hill Dungeon

18 January 2008 - 09:56 AM

Hey guys... I have a DEFINITE bug here now, not just something that might or might not be. While fighting the Beholder-ish creatures on the second level of the Bone Hill dungeon, text pops up, something to do with a ninja-to, and then the full description of the ninja-to item comes up. One of the creatures is obviously calling up an incorrect strref.


Can't find doors

18 January 2008 - 12:19 AM

Hey guys,

I'm just doing the Restenford quests and I'm the castle at Bone Hill.  I cleared out all the guys on the first level, headed up the stairs to the second, and I can't seem to find my way into the middle rooms after clearing out the perimeter.  All the doors are weirdly sealed (can't open with lockpick or anything) and I can't seem to detect any secret doors with my thief.  After reading BigMoshi's readthrough, it seems I SHOULD be able to get in here somewhere.  I've posted a screenshot to show how I can't get in to the middle rooms.  Not sure if this is a bug or what, so I posted it here.


SMM: Gullykin bug

14 January 2008 - 08:59 AM

Not a huge bug here, but thought I'd report it anyway.  I'm just trying to get a bunch of the free 'wilderness' areas done before continuing the main storyline (searching for bandit camps in Peldvale/Larswood) so I decided to try doing the Firewine Ruins.  I got my butt handed to me by the mage in there, so after a few unsuccessful tries I decided to get out of there, when I found a secret door leading to the basement of the temple in Gullykin.  Now, this is my first time entering the Gullykin map, and I;m wondering if I've messed anything up by going through the 'back door', so to speak?  You see, the thing is, is I've had a couple named NPC's (Bunsen and some longish name starting with F in a house's basement, can't remember...) that, when I talk to them, say something as if I've talked to them before (i.e. "A pleasure talking to you as always" or something like that).  Any idea how that happened?


Raise Dead bug?

10 January 2008 - 02:12 AM

Hey guys,

Just noticed something I thought was strange... not sure if this is a bug or not. I bought a Raise Dead scroll a while back in case I ever needed to bring back a party member when out in the field and couldn't easily get back to a temple. Well, I had occasion to use it recently, and it doesn't work! I have a cleric in the party (Viconia) and also Kivan, who apparently can use priest scrolls (as it is not red for him and can be put in his quickslot). Long story short... the spell doesn't fire for either of them. I put the scroll in one of their quickslots, click on it, the casting icon appears, I click on the portrait of the fallen comrade, and... nothing. Is this a bug, or some weird rule or something that I'm unaware of?
