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Member Since 24 Mar 2003
Offline Last Active Jan 18 2006 10:19 PM

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In Topic: More install questions :)

12 January 2006 - 08:46 AM

You aren't screwed at all. Simply install the parts of Ease-of-Use that are compatible with BGT.

As for Grey Clan, it doesn't touch the Worldmap (at least the old version didn't, what version are you installing?).

Oh, sorry, I hadn't yet installed Grey Clan. I was just wondering if I could do so safely AFTER I installed everything else. It appears that I can.

I plan to use version 1.21.

But now that I have you here... can I install this and continue with my current game? From the readme, it seems that only the Friendly Arms Inn will be changed. Or are there other traps?


In Topic: Combining BGT/Tutu

11 January 2006 - 01:23 PM

perhaps the other weidu mods could be altered so bgt-tutu can be installed first.

Well, this is the part I don't fully understand. The earlier explanation was the difference was basically only the implementation method. What is the gain when you install both?

In Topic: Combining BGT/Tutu

11 January 2006 - 09:10 AM

Um... slighty related question.

I have played Tutu in the past (and enjoyed it) but this time around, I loaded TBP (pretty much just the base stuff indicated in the pinned load instructions above).

At first blush, the TBP graphics seem a bit better but I'm wondering if that is just not my imagination.

At any rate, can anyone sum up the differences between the two systems in 50 words or less? So far, they seem the 'same' to me.


In Topic: Two questions on install

10 January 2006 - 12:23 PM

Ah, thanks guys (or other).  Very helpful.

You'd think Google would be a bit better at that.  Or perhaps my Google skills are failing...