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Member Since 15 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 17 2024 12:33 AM

Topics I've Started

Kit checks in .d and .baf

29 December 2012 - 07:23 PM

I know next to nothing about the code used in these files but I can read them and get the general idea of what it is doing.  Trying to edit some files but I haven't seen an example on how to check for a specific kit when you check for a class.  For example a something may say...


IF ~Class(Player1, FIGHTER_ALL)~ THEN [do something to the player that is a fighter]

or something along the lines of...

IF ~ OR(2) !Class(Player1, MONK) !Class(Player1, CLERIC_ALL)~ THEN [do something to the player that is not a monk or a cleric]


My question is how do I specify a kit, like a barbarian, or swashbuckler.  Do I change it to THIEF_SWASHBUCKLER, or just SWASHBUCKLER.  Is it possible?  I am trying to change something to check if the player is any class except for a thief, unless they are a swashbuckler.  So it should turn out something like this:


IF ~ OR(2) !Class(Player1, THIEF_ALL) Class(Player1, [insert here what I don't know])~ THEN [do something]


Sorry if this isn't clear.  In short, can you specify a kit when checking an npc for a class.  If yes, how.


Thank you for your time


edit:  sorry about the double post, not sure how that happened...  Can a mod delete one of them?

Question About installation time.

18 May 2012 - 02:26 PM

So, thing is, I just found out about this mod, problem is that I'm already at the underdark ( I hear that first dialogue happens at spellhold). Will that be a problem if I instal it now, will it progress fine? Also, is there any way to force spellhold's dialogue (using clua I guess) so I don't miss it?

As a side not I have the following mods installed in the order they appear (all in their latest versions):

1 - TOB patch
2 - Ascension WEIDU
3 - widescreen mod
4 - G3 fixpack
5 - Weimer's underrepresented items ( which I don't really used since it seemed kind of overpowered in a way, so I just ignore the new merch).
6 - Weimer Item Upgrade.
7 - UB
8 - Quest Pack.
9 - Banter Pack.
10 - NPC Flirt Pack.
11 - SCS II
12 - G3 tweaks.

Would it be a problem to install Imoen's after those?

Thanks in advance.