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Member Since 13 Mar 2003
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2003 10:07 PM

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In Topic: Other Mod interactions?

13 March 2003 - 10:44 PM

This is a wonderful concept ^_^.

Yay Edwin!  He's so hilarious XD.

I'm actually working on an NPC who has several extended banters with Edwin (and Edwina ^^) and I'd love to work in some compatability with Edwin in a later version.  It could be nothing but entertaining XD.

The NPC is a chaotic neutral Invoker named Raist-ko whom you recruit in the Planar Abyss.  For an example of Edwin/Raist-ko banter, check below ^^.


Edwin:  You know, Pink One, I have to admire you (although not on your own merits, certainly).

Raist-ko: And why is that, /Red One/?

Edwin: Because you seem to have even fewer interpersonal skills than I do (and even I have to admit that that is quite an accomplishment).

Raist-ko: I think you may be mistaking lack of interpersonal skills with my confirmed superiority.

Edwin: Then you are a creature of sympathies similar to my own (although you are not exempt from my own confirmed superiority).

Raist-ko: You know, I can hear you.

Edwin: . . .What are you talking about? (I have no idea.  What is she talking about?  Perhaps she can read minds).

Raist-ko: We might as well come to an agreement on our own mutual superiority.  If we don't we'll, simply waste a lot of effort muttering contemptuosly about each other -- energy that would be much more efficiently spent muttering contemptuously about everyone else.

Edwin: This does not seem like such a bad idea.  We assume that everone else is a complete imbecile and exempt only ourselves.  I believe I can agree to that (to stop your own muttering at least and turn you to my own cause.  I will always be confirmed in my own superiority of course.  You are nothing but a slightly more well-spoken animal).

Raist-ko: (. . . Why do I even bother?)


Raist-ko's comments on any sort of romance with the PC would be amusing (if only to myself XD) so I will make a note to watch this forum and leave Raist-ko open for other interactions in future versions of her vile pink self ^_^