Thank you! Hope I won't need it, but it seems to me that with life tends to tear down your hopes, so I'd better be prepared for it
Silinde Ar-Feiniel
Member Since 31 Oct 2007Offline Last Active Jan 02 2017 11:22 AM
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- Age 38 years old
- Birthday January 20, 1987
Music, music production, managment, Elves, painting, photography, phantasy, RPG, travels, sports, collective things
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Sandrah related CTD after Riatvin
02 January 2017 - 11:21 AM
In Topic: Sandrah related CTD after Riatvin
02 January 2017 - 09:37 AM
Problem solved. CVDYPROT and CVasstem CRE were using a solar animation that was the root of the evil. I made them use an ice troll animation and all went fine
I have no idea why some animations cause CTD, but that's not the first case in my BGT. I have been haunted by the purple fire elemental too, a problem that some other people had too, so I guess it's not something in my install but something bigger.
Thank you once again Roxxane, that saved me many hours of gameplay (actually I have no much time, so far we're talking about one year+ of gameplay)
My only question is: Is there a way to find myself the code running just before the CTD so that I can track the problems (and fix them)?
In Topic: Sandrah related CTD after Riatvin
01 January 2017 - 11:07 AM
Thanks Roxxanne, and a happy new year to you! It worked, but it seems I lost almost half of my gear
Is there any chance you can tell me the CRE names of her companions, so that I manually change the animations with NI to any other animation? (I have done this before on a purple elemental and changed the animation to lava elemental)
Forgive me if I ask too much, your help is more than enough and much appreciated.
In Topic: CTD on BWP transition from BG1 to BG2
04 April 2016 - 01:08 PM
Ty for trying the first for me.
On the second one, when I create CreateCreature("ambmaevr") CreateCreature("ambthif2") , Mae'Ver and a thief are spawned with no CTD.
On CreateCreature("ambsthfo"), console gives me: error file ambsthfo does not exist (still no CTD)
If you meant ambsthf0 instead of ambsthfo , a thief is spawned with no CTD
In Topic: CTD on BWP transition from BG1 to BG2
04 April 2016 - 11:23 AM
Well, I guess mine goes wrong in 2 points. 1-4 are ok, 1) but 5-7 never happens. 2) it's like 8-9 happen after 1-4 and after 9 I have the crash.
Although an old player, I don't remember much about changelog, but I promise if you instruct me, I'm sure I can find it and tell you all that is needed.
Btw, I had seen some Druids that had a bug in my game (they were hostile and not attacking but staying idle), but I have no idea if that is relevant to this matter. ( I have a list of bugs and oddities but in general I had a much stable playthrough and I think I've completed with no problems like 90-98% of the content available)
Through NI, here is my Druid10a.bcs (attached) if it helps
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