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Member Since 11 Mar 2003
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2005 08:27 AM

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In Topic: Friendship Talk Ideas

22 April 2003 - 10:21 PM

Personally, I rush to pick up Imoen as well and almost never get involved with a romance until after I leave the underdark. I'd like to see what Imoen has to say about flirting with the other NPC's. I know my sister would always give it to me straight about how she felt about my love interests and furthermore suggest love interests for me if I gave her the chance to. I'd also like to talk to her about what Jon did to her while he had her locked up. It's a gruesome topic but it's definately something I wouldn't let my sister keep inside and dwell on by herself. I'm pretty easy to please though; as long as I get a lot of dialogue, I wouldnt' care if we were talking about fluffy bunnies and Baal-spawn chickens. :D

In Topic: Imoen's sexuality

25 March 2003 - 10:36 PM

Since we're going without glass ceilings here, why don't we just give both options for both people. For instance if you say certain things, have her tell you that she is bi. If you say others, that she is simply straight. Just because she's an NPC in the game doesn't mean that she can't and won't lie to you over a sensitive subject, especially if it's very personal to her. That's not saying she's a bad friend to the PC, just that she doesn't want to talk about it with him/her. Perhaps she would make no comment at all if you asked her. She may even get insulted that you would ask something like that of her. If we're aiming to make her as much of a real person as possible who's to say she won't have her own opinions of right and wrong things to say. :D

In Topic: Friendship Talk Ideas

20 March 2003 - 10:33 PM

Hmmm, I think it would be interesting to find out why she gave up on thieving and decided to study magic. I know quite a few people probably dualled her in BGI, but I think it could make for some interesting conversation to hear it from Imoen's perspective. I know her ability scores sort of encourage her being a mage, but she just doesn't seem to be the type to sit and study (though she does make a comment in Irenicus' dungeon that leads you to believe you were one cutting classes, not her).

My idea of a mage can be visualized in a scene from the first Lord of the Rings movie - the part where Gandalf is reading through dusty tomes to try to discover if Bilbo's ring was Sauron's Ring of Power. Yes, there is a time to put your knowledge into action, but the researching just doesn't seem like Imoen to me.

Yes but you also have to think about the mechanics of the creators, they were trying to move a 2nd edition game into a 3rd edition format. Since you cannot dual class a thief into a sorcerer, you have to go with the next best thing. I tend to think of Imoen as more of a sorcerer than a mage myself, but given game mechanics you have to go by the rules. In addition, not all mages are dust covered researchers. Take for example Milamber AKA Pug from the Rift War Saga. There were times when he researched but mostly he lived for the adventure.