About Letter of credit; saw the question at Bethsedas forums in your release thread. Why not add the option to all the merchants in Oblivion, maybe do an addon for SI - maybe SI letters of credit is different from Cyrodiil and so player can't just interchange.
And now the problem. Seems like I am the only one experiencing this since none else has spoken up. When using a clean 98v whenever I loot gold from fallen foes it gets detracted; yes I am losing gold (EDIT:that was unclear - what I mean is I loot 50gold then those fifty are detracted from my gold so I end up plus minus zero, no change in gold status, no gain no loss). This I have checked, there might be other instances when gold is added or removed but as of now I haven't double checked on those.
As of right now I am using a modified v98, I went and made the checks for gold weight in gamemode inactive so now I can remove gold with scripts in gamemode and also use the GoldBaging mod. This probably broke your gold drop thingy? I forgot to check because I use the GoldBag instead for now.
It works, the gold weight might not be updated the instant I add or remove gold through looting or scripts but it does update fairly soon anyway so there really isn't so much of a detraction.
The new messagebox system works great!
