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Member Since 01 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2009 01:55 AM

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In Topic: DM: Reneer's Gold Mod 1.2

04 October 2007 - 12:32 PM

Hello, me again :woot:

About Letter of credit; saw the question at Bethsedas forums in your release thread. Why not add the option to all the merchants in Oblivion, maybe do an addon for SI - maybe SI letters of credit is different from Cyrodiil and so player can't just interchange.

And now the problem. Seems like I am the only one experiencing this since none else has spoken up. When using a clean 98v whenever I loot gold from fallen foes it gets detracted; yes I am losing gold (EDIT:that was unclear - what I mean is I loot 50gold then those fifty are detracted from my gold so I end up plus minus zero, no change in gold status, no gain no loss). This I have checked, there might be other instances when gold is added or removed but as of now I haven't double checked on those.

As of right now I am using a modified v98, I went and made the checks for gold weight in gamemode inactive so now I can remove gold with scripts in gamemode and also use the GoldBaging mod. This probably broke your gold drop thingy? I forgot to check because I use the GoldBag instead for now.

It works, the gold weight might not be updated the instant I add or remove gold through looting or scripts but it does update fairly soon anyway so there really isn't so much of a detraction.

The new messagebox system works great! :hug:


In Topic: DM: Reneer's Gold Mod 1.2

03 October 2007 - 08:48 AM

About message spam. When you upload a new v. I'll try just removing all the Message " " except the one's for the adjusting of Weight rings - since that is the only message I get now when I've removed all the others.

I guess the adding back of gold in gamemode is a failsafe - but for me it even adds back gold when using your "drop gold" from within the Inventory menu; guess you forgot to add that menumode to the list of menus to support?

Keep up the good work :cheers:

In Topic: DM: Reneer's Gold Mod 1.2

03 October 2007 - 02:32 AM

Update on using 0.96v

Works with withdrawing and depositing money in Bank (never noticed any problem before, but I wasn't paying attention so...)

Still have to remove message " " to get other messages displayed. I have no idea why this is so. I am using Prometheus Governing Attributes and he uses the same technique, adding and removing 10-50 messages at a time without hick ups.

I've modified Midas Magic to cost money when casting certain spells (remove player.gold001 scripting) and that get instantly added back. First I thought it was some issue with using it in scripts but the same thing happens when dropping gold, get added back. Boy, wish it worked the same way in my world, quick way to get rich ;)


In Topic: DM: Reneer's Gold Mod 1.2

01 October 2007 - 05:50 AM

Well, since I wasn't sure if it would do any difference I removed it from all the scripts, since I wanted some info on what was happening when I was paying large amount of money.

Only when doing really large transactions do I get the "added ring" message, but nowhere near the spamming I was expecting. Hardly noticeable but I know there are players who think it is immersion breaking; but since I already got a symbol every time there is a message, whether it is displayed or not, I don't mind.

EDIT: And yeah, I know not all of the scripts do something right now - like letters of credit and stuff. I just wanted a quick fix without looking to much on what you've done. I am not very good at scripting and the likes.

In Topic: DM: Reneer's Gold Mod 1.2

01 October 2007 - 01:44 AM

Alright. I removed all the message"",1 code and that seemed to solve it, I didn't get spammed with lots of messages as I expected. Now I only did a quick try out before logging on to my other OS which has the internet connection (my game OS has no installed networking and so I can skip all Firewalls and whatnot).

I'll get back to you if I run into any more trouble.
