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Leaping Lizard

Member Since 28 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2007 03:06 AM

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In Topic: DM: Reneer's Guard Overhaul 1.79b

28 September 2007 - 06:01 AM

Hi Reneer im hoping you can help with this bug. Im running version 167d of the mod.

As soon as i start the mod i hear this constant banging noise. Its like somebody is using a battering ram against the city gates !

I run the game with Oldoblivion as my vid cards crap.

Only other mods i am running are OOO1.31 , Quickstart, Bankmod, and nomore flicker. Im fairly sure i just ran OOO and guard mod together and still got the banging.

Is their anyway to get rid of this banging ? Its an unusual bug and i heard of a few others have had this problem also.

Could it be something to do with Oldoblvion ?? or OOO ??

Is the banging noise also used for the menus of the guard mod ? (i thought they were but could be wrong. Disabling the menu noise could fix the problem. im a total non expert so what i just suggusted may be stupid)

If i use the configuration ring to turn the guard mod off then the banging noise stops. Of course as soon as i turn it on again the noise comes back :(

Thanks for making such a great mod, im very eager to use it for my main thief character. Hopefully this problem can be sorted out.

Im also only running the 1.5final patch for oblivion. (as oldoblvion will not work with 1.2 patch)