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Member Since 14 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active May 01 2009 11:08 PM

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In Topic: Comments on "Malleus Animorum"

19 September 2008 - 01:56 PM

k, sorry for not Reviewing this more.

Just to say i am loving this sequel, and i am quite scared for poor immy (and am routing for Immy/Anomen's sister, or Immy/Alexandra).

This is quie well written, and it has plot!

Damn, makes me want to write my own BG fic, and come back to my old plans :/

In Topic: Comments on "Malleus Animorum"

29 July 2008 - 08:19 AM

Looking forward to more.

Lots of elements pointing at imoen, is there!

Please have Xan cast a spell, and not Imoen?

With Cherry on top?

In Topic: Comments on the Irony of Fate

07 March 2008 - 12:27 PM

Well well...just read it, and i liked it, even though it's really fast paced. I am kinda sad about minsc not being much in the group, and about the anomen romance :/ I would have loved illre being a tad more loyal, but, well, she is young :/

In Topic: Comments on At Soul's Edge

06 March 2008 - 11:32 AM

Well well, i just remembered my password on this forum (that i got for an unknown reason), so here i am, praising this wonderful fic.

So, a bit sad that there isn't any minsc and dyanheir (guess they are dead by now), though i liked Edwin's end, as i got tired of him being the badass super character in so many fics, especially when he isn't supposed to be so great personality wise (i will admit he is a badass mage).

A bit sad there isn't more imoen, but what there is of her is very, very good.

Scared stiff by Alexanria's prophetic dream, as the irenicus dungeon is, well, not of the good, especially the part that comes after it (poor imoen).

Great work so far, and i'll do more thorough comments as you post update (wink :D).