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Member Since 11 Sep 2007
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Topics I've Started

Skeleton problems

19 May 2012 - 12:57 PM

This is what happens when my priest summons undead the first time she got the spell:

Posted Image

I guess it's related to this.

I've tried the Turambar fix, but it did nothing.

So I tried uninstall the "Distinctive Undead: v5" and now I have my skeletons back, they are GREEN, but at least they are skeletons.

Is this a known problem? If so why it wasn't fixed? It seems odd since I'd guess the summon undead spell is quite popular...

The chanters and spawns

23 December 2011 - 09:31 PM

I was going to ask mainly about spawns but there's already that other thread that explains how it works.

I'm definitely for fixed, non player-levelled spawns, but it's still a system that needs to be tuned (couldn't care less if it's not accurate BG1, with all these mods no one cares about "faithful" as much as "improved").

It seems that vanilla BGT still randomly picks its spawns, just not considering the player's level. So how are the creatures and their numbers picked? Zone based? How much variance? If it really spawns things too randomly (a bandit + a monster) then it's not much better if it switches from "level-based" to "just random" and should be adjusted to be plausible.

Is there going to be a difference long term about experience gained? I'm looked forward to a heavily modified BGT game, but sticking to vanilla content (no BP, no other modules beside Unfinished Business and AI/Tactics/Banter mods). I've set the experience to be at 50% for quests & creatures, considering that it is going to be an extensive thing and I don't want to outlevel everything.

Another very minor thing I noticed is that the chanters in Candlekeep right at the start of the game do not "chant" on their own (as they do in vanilla BG1). I've been in that place for a while and they only seem to speak if I right click on them, but not on their own. Is this a BG2 engine limit on using random chatter?

Also, could someone give a look to my weidu to see if there's something wrong that comes to the eye?