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Member Since 27 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2011 10:36 PM

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In Topic: need help

25 September 2008 - 02:55 AM

Thanks for the help, it works, even with Tutu!

In Topic: need help

21 September 2008 - 02:10 AM


  • Download the "OSX/Linux" version, which doesn't use the installer.
  • Open the shs_soundsets_osx.zip file with your favorite archive manager and go through shs#soundsets\soundsets\.
  • Open each folder you want the sound files for, and extract them to your BG2 - SoA\sounds folder.
  • Download the attached file, and extract it to your sounds folder as well.
  • Run oggtobg.bat from inside your sounds folder (it will convert all your ogg files into the right format, then delete the old ogg file).
That should be all you need. I tested it briefly with the first sound set on a clean BG2 backup I have. First sound played, and that was the extent of my testing.

If it works, awesome. If not... well, I'm sure someone else can help you better than I. :P

thxx a lot, it should probably work, because I managed to make the files ready to BG, and the test without BG (playing with a mediaplayer) was a complete success. The final result (work with BGII/tutu or not) will come tomorrow