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Member Since 19 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2007 08:52 AM

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In Topic: Pictures of Oblivion Characters #14

20 July 2007 - 04:22 PM

Greetings All,

I'm new to the Spellhold Studios community, and also new to using mods/learning to mod, but I'll learn where ever I can and meeting new friends along the way is always a good bonus. I consider myself lucky to have found your web site, as it was accidental after following a link when going through Sickleyield's tutorial on the CS Wiki site on retexturing with Gimp :) Anyway, I've put what hopefully will be some thumbnails of a few screen shots of a couple of my Ainmhi characters, my favorite race, but as I'm finding out slowly Tessource and PES aren't the only places in the world I can find mods /eyeroll/ so I'm looking everywhere, and suggestions are very welcome! My friends were asking for thumbnails rather than full size images, so hopefully this photobucket thing works :)

EDIT: Well, the image titles didn't come through...the top pic is "Ainmhi aren't just cute...", the 2nd is my eldest main character Tili, level 47, 168 hours played, and the last 3 are her little sister, Karis (named Ravyn for the savegame I uploaded on Tessource). I'm actually going to break down and get them clothing that doesn't have an armor rating and enchantments, just for roleplay...no really!

ANOTHER EDIT: I've seen screenshots of desert landscapes along with desert/nomad/references to Dune clothing...can anyone point me towards this mod(s)?

Best Regards,

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