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Member Since 01 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2017 12:55 AM

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In Topic: Need Help With Debugging my BWS

14 September 2017 - 06:59 PM



Seems like this problem will happen quite often then... It happened again. This time I think it has something to do with Viconia after having a banter about "feeling the earth"

This time it is Rassad's scene


It is something in your install that affects all the cutscenes for the new NPCs, obviously.


PS - Your thread title is WRONG and a defamation because this has NOTHING TO DO WITH BWS.


Yeah, I noticed that as well when I skimmed at Rasaad's walkthrough. Thanks for always replying, appreciate it very much!


Hmm well this configuration of mods called a Big World Setup? Just clarifying. I don't mean to defame or anything. I really love the work and effort made by the team behind it. Would it rather be called just "mod setup" then?

In Topic: Need Help With Debugging my BWS

10 September 2017 - 10:48 PM



Seems like this problem will happen quite often then... It happened again. This time I think it has something to do with Viconia after having a banter about "feeling the earth"



In Topic: Need Help With Debugging my BWS

10 September 2017 - 10:43 PM



Seems like this problem will happen quite often then... It happened again. This time I think it has something to do with Viconia after having a banter about "feeling the earth"



In Topic: Need Help With Debugging my BWS

10 September 2017 - 02:19 AM

Try the following with console:



You should land in some backstreet where you find Neera. See if that conversation runs without CtD. Check if afterwards you can travel again.


If Neera is not there




It worked! Thank you! Any idea why it does that?

In Topic: Need Help With Debugging my BWS

27 August 2017 - 04:13 AM

In case you want to post a savegame, you need to zip/rar the whole folder, e.g. 000000001-Quick-Save.


Also, you never describe what exactly your problem is. *There is a bug* is not helpful.


Right. Sorry about that.


Well the problem is that the game crashes whenever I try moving to a new map (lets say from bridge to temple or any) via exiting a map and proceeding to the world map. I've tried using console and the areas load up with no problems.


Here is the complete folder.


Thanks for the help!