Member Since 13 Jun 2007Offline Last Active Apr 03 2009 01:12 PM
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Can I attach a script to a character class??
14 April 2008 - 09:47 PM
Hi! Is it possible to have a character class/kit always have a script attached to it? Basically, I don't want to have a script applied only if the AI is turned on. I want it on all the time for any character of a specific class. I've searched the forums and tried to figure out as many tutorials as I could but I couldn't find the answer to this. Seems it should be possible. I'm very anxious to figure this out - any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Girls Gone Wild
03 September 2007 - 10:38 PM
I read on a review that for some laughs, have an all-girl party with Chloe. I got one amusing dialogue because of this but I'm wondering if there is any more before I switch my team members. I also now added Mazzy in the party and because Chloe doesn't like her, perhaps I will not get any more of that story? There's also mention that some party members prompt more dialogue - can you let us know which ones (aside from Imoen)?
Are There ANY Games That Even Come Close To BG/BGII??
24 August 2007 - 06:34 AM
Are there ANY games at all which come close to Baldur's Gate these days? I am not very much on the gaming scene but BG I/II was worth playing through fully at least 5-6 times. I have tried some recent "RPGs" like Titans Quest but while this has some entertainment value (like Diablo), it PALES incredibly compared to BG. Where is the strategy? Not just the usual hack everything with as much firepower as possible, but strategy and interactive dialogue that actually affect something and has consequences; spells that make you think, that can turn monsters into squirrels and stop time; traps; and monsters that can eat your brain or dominate your mind; and PARTIES where you can CREATE personalities and complementary skills for strategy, and formulate and boast about the "perfect party". Does ANYTHING else like this exist out there?
Alternative Fade Portraits
23 July 2007 - 01:58 PM
Always interesting to see how people envision fictional characters differently. I'm interested to see what alternate portraits people have used for Fade and share mine at the same time. Gotta do something while waiting for the Fade TOB release ...
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