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Member Since 31 May 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 21 2011 01:07 AM

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In Topic: BG1 & BG2 NPC Information List Ver. 2

13 January 2011 - 04:22 PM

Apparently the Neh?taniel mod has moved to the Chosen of Mystra forums.

In Topic: BG1 & BG2 NPC Information List Ver. 2

04 October 2010 - 06:04 PM

Not sure if this is still being updated, but I"m running around trying out all sorts of mods, so here's what I've discovered:

Mhoram seems to have been discontinued. He can join your party, but only has one quest and no banters with pc or npcs.
Also, I think the Seravok Romance has been completed. Haven't tried it, but I think it's up for download on the main site.

Hope this helps!

Sarevok romance is already up and listed.

And I do not know how I got Mhoram's entry with that much stuff it didn't have. x_x

Oops! Sorry, I'm blind apparently XP I didn't realize there were two

And yes, on Mhoram's main page it says he has all that stuff, but it looks like it's been discontinued...

In Topic: BG1 & BG2 NPC Information List Ver. 2

29 September 2010 - 05:04 PM

Not sure if this is still being updated, but I"m running around trying out all sorts of mods, so here's what I've discovered:

Mhoram seems to have been discontinued. He can join your party, but only has one quest and no banters with pc or npcs.
Also, I think the Seravok Romance has been completed. Haven't tried it, but I think it's up for download on the main site.

Hope this helps!