Not sure if this is still being updated, but I"m running around trying out all sorts of mods, so here's what I've discovered:
Mhoram seems to have been discontinued. He can join your party, but only has one quest and no banters with pc or npcs. Also, I think the Seravok Romance has been completed. Haven't tried it, but I think it's up for download on the main site.
Hope this helps!
Sarevok romance is already up and listed.
And I do not know how I got Mhoram's entry with that much stuff it didn't have. x_x
Oops! Sorry, I'm blind apparently XP I didn't realize there were two
And yes, on Mhoram's main page it says he has all that stuff, but it looks like it's been discontinued...
Not sure if this is still being updated, but I"m running around trying out all sorts of mods, so here's what I've discovered:
Mhoram seems to have been discontinued. He can join your party, but only has one quest and no banters with pc or npcs.
Also, I think the Seravok Romance has been completed. Haven't tried it, but I think it's up for download on the main site.