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Member Since 14 May 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2007 10:45 AM

Topics I've Started

LucasArts Passive Behavior

22 July 2007 - 02:43 AM

At the moment I would be delighted if a KotOR III was released or even announced, the delay has been enormous, but what I would mostly like is LucasArts to get off their backsides and announce whether there will be a sequel or not. They have done nothing to confirm the ever persistent, journalistic rumors however they haven't done anything to quell them either. It is tiring to watch them be so passive, I wouldn't be surprised if George Lucas had a camera in all of our houses and enjoyed watching us squirm at the lack of news. All they have done for the past few years is release conflicting information. I enjoyed both of the previous games (even if KotOR II was rushed) but to be honest I would no longer care if there wasn't one. I want one but if they announced that they would be discontinuing the series I would be happy.

This is obviously not because I don't want one, I know many people who desire a sequel, but the lack of anything solid is infuriating. If they would only berate the false rumors all would be well in the world. For example IGN has been predicting for the past fews years that it would be out "the next year" but it seems that it wasn't out in 2006, 2007 and I doubt it will be with us by 2008. Some people are even predicting that it will be RELEASED by Christmas, well is it just me or is that conclusion completely and utterly stupid. The most solid piece of evidence of this year was when a corporate said that LucasArts would not leave the Battlefront and KotOR franchises behind. This, of course, is hardly evidence of one in the making and it could have simply been examples of franchises that were successful, and which they wish to replicate, not continue.

LA are really irritating me at how little they are doing to quell/confirm rumors and believe me there are a lot. A simply "kotor 3, kotor 3 news" search on google retrieves... well... dozens of predictions that have been created in the past 3 months!

I just beg of LucasArt to do something and gaming sites to stop getting gamers hopes up. It is ridiculous, nearly 3 years of predictions and there is not hide nor tail of it. At least announce something about it.

Sorry if I am ranting like an old man in the corner but I needed to get this off my chest. Thank you for reading. :)


Clucky's Scribblings

14 May 2007 - 10:47 AM

Varieties of Flora, Cyrodillic Edition
Introduction ? A

Welcome to Varieties of Flora, Cyrodill Edition. The author that wrote Varieties of Daedra has returned and this time I have travelled to the eastern, western, southern and northern tips of the empires capital, Cyrodill. To bring you every existing species of plant that flecks the mesmerising landscape that the emperor himself calls home. But enough of my introduction to the landscape, you are all well versed due to books and personal experience as to the wonder that Cyrodill is, so let?s continue the learning curve. I hope you find this book thoroughly interesting and useful to your alchemical endeavours.

Let?s start with the Alkanet Plant. A common flower found throughout Cyrodill but in vast concentrations throughout and around Skingrad. This is likely because the soil is of legendary quality and allows Flora such as this to grow unchecked. They are of little value and vendors will likely stock them, especially in Skingrad for obvious reasons. The vintners and farmers of Skingrad may have them growing in their fallow fields, so if they are of a positive disposition towards you. Search.

A skilled alchemist will also notice the exceptional qualities of an Alkanet flower, no matter how common it is. Firstly its flowers can be milked to produce a strange liquid which allows a user to resist poison. However it is dangerous to the nervous system and can cause minor fatigue loss so be wary of this. Also an experienced alchemist will realise that the flower gives off a subtle glow. A useful ingredient which can keep it?s sampler from various dangers on the roads between Skingrad and Kvatch. Always let a spare flower light your way through shadowed areas. But remember that only an experienced alchemist will be able to detect and harness its light energy and milk that mysterious liquid from its leaves, producing a potion.

Another ingredient is the Aloe Vera Leaves. Obtained from the Aloe Vera plant. It is relatively common but is nowhere near as concentrated and widely spread as the Alkanet Plant. It prefers moisturised areas, and as such can be found near the west coast, around the city of Anvil. However once again due to its plain appearance it is of very little value in gold. Vendors don?t generally stock them due to the western tip being the main source of acquisition; it never seems to get very far into central, eastern and western Cyrodill. It may have some kind of chemical unknown to this author that can boost the nervous system, the opposite of what an Alkanet Flower can simulate, and for some mysterious reason causes invisibility. The surprising thing about the ingredient is that although invisibility is usually cast using magicka resources, the leaves react badly with a user?s magicka supply.

So far we have tackled with common flora. So I will take this opportunity to inform the reader of an exceptionally rare ingredient which I have limited knowledge of. I have only discovered it once in my career as a scholar and this was in the Mages Guild, if I recall correctly it was the Anvil branch. It has little use as it merely heals minor wounds and has little to no other effects, but I have never witnessed another sample of this rare ingredient. I have no knowledge of its whereabouts or origins as I rarely traipse from Cyrodill but I expect it harnesses Magicka somehow or is from an extremely magical area. Surprisingly though it?s rarity is of little value to vendors. I have been told this by the Anvil Mages Guild head, Carahil. She saw it as of borderline worthlessness and also had little knowledge of its origins. If an Alchemist ever finds another sample of this strange ingredient I urge them to contact me or their local Alchemist. Who knows how useful it could be if Alchemists found a way to contain it. A master of Alchemy however will find little use for it unless to create weak potions of healing. At least though it has no documented negative effects, it is simply known as Ambrosia.

Once again to keep this document in alphabetical order I must warn the reader of the various effects of this plant and it?s worthlessness to alchemists in general. The arrowfoot plant usually yields the ingredient known as arrowfoot or Maranta arundinacea. It is attracted to rivers and oceans in particular much like Aloe Vera. It can be found scattered on the river-side of Niben Bay, among the trees running from Bravil to Leyawiin and especially near the Abacean Sea. Alchemists may occasionally stock it but the best chance of getting it is near coastal areas.

It can restore a novice Alchemists agility, once again another flower that boosts the nervous system, it also, to a more experienced alchemist who can harness the strange substance in the root can strengthen them. The plant perhaps has a defence mechanism however that, although strengthens the sampler, expert alchemists have reported feeling exhausted and burdened after a few seconds of use. This however is a minor effect. Those superstitious may have also heard the rumour that arrowroot is unlucky. Whether this is true or not, the author will not disclose as this book tackles facts and not opinions.

This is where I will finish this rather short volume of varieties of flora, this was merely intended as an introduction to the many ingredients that mages, monks, pilgrims, sailors, alchemists and Cyrodillic adventurers have discovered and used in their travels. Not many ingredients begin with A and this was simply written as an introduction for the budding alchemists out there. Please watch out for further volumes in the future. My objective is to document every plant in Cyrodill.

Keep Alchemising!

Case File I, 3E 428

Subject: LaChance, Lucien
Sentence: Execution On Sight

Description: The subject is an accomplished assassin of the Dark Brotherhood cult. He is experienced in most forms of weaponry and is highly dangerous. Apprehend on sight by any means necessary. The subject is an imperial of average height, hair and eye colour unknown and conceals his face with a Black Hand hood. As well as donning the customary robe. This warrant is commission by the legion commander, Phillida, Adamus. Warning: All legionnaires beware of the wiles of LaChance, apprehend with caution.

Diet: N/A

Subject?s Status: Presumed Alive. Not Imprisoned.

Praise the Nine Divines for their law and order.

Case File II, 3E 431

Subject: Myvryna Arano
Sentence: Life Imprisonment

Description: The subject is currently in residence in the Waterfront District of the Imperial City. An elderly Dark Elf of slim build with white hair and dark eyes, also a member of the thieves? guild. The subject is currently in the hands of Imperial Watch Captain, Lex, Hieronymus. Evidence and information is being extracted currently, as soon as Armand Christophe is in captivity or as soon as a watch captain sees fit she will be detained and imprisoned indefinitely. Note to all legionnaires: Do NOT detain without the authority of a superior.

Diet: When Imprisoned: A loaf of bread, bowl of water and corn cob.

Subject Status: Alive. Healthy. Currently not detained.

Praise the Nine Divines for their law and order.

These of course you have all seen before but we have moved to a new forum so I thought it would be best to repost them considering that we may gain new members soon enough and the lark. Hope those of you who haven't already seen these are pleased with them. Tell me your opinions and that sort of mumbo jumbo. Basically this is a place to host my scribblings, whether it be relevant to the project, thoughts about the mod, suggestions, incoherent babbling... you name it it will be placed here if it comes from me. :)

So first suggestion: Wouldn't it be diva like if all team members had an extension of their profile by having their own thread here to encompass the power of writing, interior building, level design and of course scripters and musicians. hmmm wouldn't it? Down to you though Hector and Invader. :D