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In Topic: Our hero's story?

20 May 2005 - 05:54 PM

Spoilers alert!

The force bond with Traya is a scum, she simply lied to you. The Jedi Masters dropped you hints of that throughout the game.

More spoilers....

The bond with Traya was another thing that suffered when Obsidian had to make cuts.
Originally, Master Vash was supposed to be alive (IIRC, she was on the droid planet, before that was cut, too) and she had some interesting information about Force bonds. Namely, that one way a bond could be broken is if one of the pair fell to the dark side. So Traya and the Exile did have a bond, but presumably it was severely weakened, possibly even severed, when she resumed her role as a Sith Lord.
I'm not sure how much I go for that theory, since it raises several irritating questions about both KOTOR games, but that's the explanation Obsidian gave. I do tend to believe that Traya strongly exaggerated the danger of the bond, but that's just my theory.

Vash's unused voice clips did ship with the game, so with the right tools and a little time it's possible to hear her conversations.

I will say this for K2--I thought the bond here was much improved over the bond with Bastila in the first game. :)

In Topic: Question about Leviathan

22 April 2005 - 10:37 AM

I've been able to complete the romance when I did the Carth's son quest after the Leviathan. You do have to get Carth's talk about wanting to protect you before you're captured, though.

In Topic: Age of the Characters

12 April 2005 - 02:17 PM

*delurks* :)

Mission says in-game that she's fourteen years old. T3 can't be more then a couple of months old at the most.
I've also heard that Carth is 38, but I'm not sure where that is said.
We know from K2 that HK was about five or six during K1.

We know Jolee was alive and married during the Exar Kun wars, which were--as I understand it--40 years before K1; I'd guess he's somewhere in his sixties or early seventies.
Canderous says he's been fighting for 40 years; it's anyone's guess when he saw his first battle. I don't know much about Mandalorian culture, so taking a wild guess I'd say he's probably somewhere in his early or mid fifties; it makes sense to me that Mandalorians would want to expose their children to battle early on.
Zaalbar left Kashyyyk 20 years before K1, and AFAIK that's all we know about his age.
Bastila is pretty young, probably anywhere from 20-25. I favor 22, but that's just my estimate.
No idea for Juhani, but she's got to be pretty young. She was definitely older then the norm when she was accepted into the Jedi Order, but she had to have been young enough they would have thought there was still hope she could be successfully trained. So my guess, based on that, would be 19 or 20, maybe 21.

In Topic: How would you treat a gay romance?

24 November 2004 - 01:55 PM

A bit off topic, but what happened to the gay paladin mod that was being written?

Dante? He's at Blacksheep Mods. http://www.blacksheepmods.net/baa/

As for the mod, I say release it. :)