Member Since 07 May 2007Offline Last Active Feb 24 2008 03:11 AM
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In Topic: 'An Age of Relics' project screenshots...
29 December 2007 - 07:37 AM
Let's hope so! It won't be out for a while yet tho. I need a new pc to start filming since this one currently has huge frame drops when I try to film it in-game, lol.
In Topic: 'An Age of Relics' project screenshots...
19 December 2007 - 11:43 PM
Yes it is still going on. I have to wait to film anything until I have a stronger PC. I don't want to compromise any of the visual aspects of the project.
In Topic: 'An Age of Relics' project screenshots...
22 July 2007 - 01:04 PM
The flags DO move actually. Very convincingly I might add. Turns out I found a way to cleverly force them to "move" by taking a normal ship 's flag and resizing it (affects how violently it reacts with the physics engine relative to the normal sized world around it) and then intersecting it into the geometry of otehr things, in this case mostly Kvatch pikes. The way the Havok is set up has the flag reacting violently and sporadically to the intersecting meshes (much like how if you put 2 objects inside on another, many times it makes them go nuts and react violently in-game). All that is required is a bit of a breeze to make the flag move just a tad, and suddenly the bugs in the Havok engien take over and make it wave violently. Maybe later tonight I will try to make a short video of the flags moving for you gusy to see if you really want to see how it looks coupled with the rest of the set.

In Topic: 'An Age of Relics' project screenshots...
22 July 2007 - 08:45 AM
Bleeding Steppe (now with 100% more flags!):

In Topic: 'An Age of Relics' project screenshots...
25 June 2007 - 12:22 PM
I only just started this recently, so bear with me as in-game pics will be posted when I get some free time. For now, enjoy pics of the evil Lord Carrick's mountain lair from the CS. The character in the one image is a placeholder btw. I just wanted to see how things looked with a character in the seat. Enjoy!

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