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Member Since 05 May 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 09 2021 10:00 PM

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In Topic: Comments about PoOS #28

12 August 2008 - 12:54 AM

Wow, that little guy is sooooo cool Chiggles! How did you do that?

The little furnite compliments him very well :) Is there a way to make him sit on it?

In Topic: Comments about PoOS #28

10 August 2008 - 12:40 PM

hey, beautiful work everybody :) Sorry I haven't been around, work and school makes sev a dull boy :(

Oblivion modding has evolved so much since I last saw it! It's unbelievable the amount of content that's been made, the bar has been ---------- raaaaised waaaaaay high :)



! :hug:




In Topic: Comments about PoOS #28

08 August 2008 - 10:29 AM

hey, beautiful work everybody :) Sorry I haven't been around, work and school makes sev a dull boy :(

Oblivion modding has evolved so much since I last saw it! It's unbelievable the amount of content that's been made, the bar has been ---------- raaaaised waaaaaay high :)

In Topic: Comments about PoOC #20

27 September 2007 - 09:23 PM

congratulations on making staff Karandras. Sorry if I'm a bit late with my congrats hehe

In Topic: COMMENTS about PoOC #19

22 September 2007 - 01:46 PM

Ryu Doppler e DFSL, great screenies! Keep them up

Here is a video of something cool I'm testing for my char Caine *glares at Chiglet*. Forgive the crap FPS and the crazy camera, I was only testing, and with lots of things oppened (including the CS).

For now, it's just a simple bound script that gives the ilusion that Caine "transformed" into a demon and max his stats (+50 in combat skills and physical atributes), while Draining his fatigue, personality and giving him a temporary bounty.

.......   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot:   :woot: ..................

that is the COOLEST thing I've ever seen for Oblivion. Congradulations, I wish I had a prize to give...