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DS Divine

Member Since 05 May 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2009 05:05 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Theme - Knights

22 September 2007 - 03:11 AM

..The third incarnation of Angelus Gladius, my best knight I guess.

Although this time i failed at creating good face, he didn't turned out as ugly as his second ...err "incarnation":

Here, Angelus is doing favor for Chorrol, by clearing the cave of bandits.
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Traveling by foot
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Battling the local Goblin Chieftain
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The "Epic" battle against wolf
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Just a scenic pic.
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In Topic: Korreen's Quest

27 May 2007 - 08:36 AM

Duh, I came too late..
The screenshots are gone :(

EDIT: HAH! what am I talking about! They here! great screenies. (Im downloading mods right now, so connection is little slow right now)

EDIT2: Well done Cydje :new_thumbs: Love Korreen.

In Topic: Best CRPG

25 May 2007 - 03:08 AM

Ah damn, I should have readed some posts before voting  <_<
I voted for Morrowind- MODDED Morrowind, but since that doesn't count after all, I would have voted for BG2 and Fallout 2 (try to stop me from choosing two games :P)

Actually, all of the listed games I would count as best, since I got almost all these games and love all of them.

Anyway, I would have say its BG2+TOB after all.

In Topic: NWN2 screenshots.

24 May 2007 - 06:28 AM

Oh, the GIMP.
I was little confused the last time I tried it.

But I didn't knew that it can convert TGA's.
Guess I have to :rtfm: after all :P

Kellen, the "white" around her neck looks more like some clipping, rather than due to bad "screenshooting"
or..did You attached your pics in Paint too? Paint totally ruin screenshot quality.

In Topic: NWN2 screenshots.

24 May 2007 - 05:37 AM

Just started new game.

My neutral evil character Victor Black.

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@Kellen: Whats wrong with Your screenshots? I think they turned out to be very nice (maybe a little more lighting?)

About TGA: AFAIK, Photobucket should resise TGA pics, thus making them VERY small. At least it did about two years ago.
Anyone know free programs to convert TGA into JPEG? Im tired of always attaching my NWN1 screenies into paint everytime.