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Member Since 04 May 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2010 09:31 PM

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In Topic: Pictures of Oblivion Screenshots

05 August 2009 - 09:09 PM

Introducing Min, face originally by Floyd, eensy-weensy tweaks from me  ^^;
(click to see pics fullsize)

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In Topic: Comments about PoOS #28

05 October 2008 - 12:21 PM

Yay! Other people posted! :lol2:

Chimera: Lovely collection of faces.

Gooch - Thanks! Wandered back, feels a bit nice to be back, maybe it'll even pick up a bit. ;) Wonderful shot, love the lighting there. She's gorgeous! And on that next one - hee. With those less intrusive interfaces I often forget they're on as well. :lol:

Floyd - too much prettiness! Too much! :P The shot of the ship and the sunset is just spectacular.

DFSL - I still *adore* that little black dress. I'm still willing to look at it in Blender for you if no one else has offered, tho I'm not a mesh-maker so don't know if I could do more than you have.

Darziak - Very cool series. I love the second shot - I can almost feel the - hangover? Trepidation? Something like that. Very "worn warrior"-y.

Floyd - The work on the chapel really is just stunning. :wub:

So, uh 468 posts in the screenshot thread. Been going since March. Seems about time for a new one, eh? Since it seems this place has slowed down a bit, perhaps some changes? I have a few suggestions, if no one feels I'm being too bossy as I *just* kind of wandered back in the place. :whistling:

How about we recombine pics & comments? That'd make the picture pages a bit easier to load, as there'd be some text-only posts in there as well. And then we could go up to 5 full-size pics per post, which would make it easier for folks who post on multiple boards, as most boards have that as the max - they could copy the post right over. Just seems with a smaller group posting here, it might flow a bit better on one thread - perhaps "Oblivion Screenshot Thread", simple & easy. :D

In Topic: Comments about PoOS #28

01 October 2008 - 07:03 PM


*crickets chirping* Anyone still around here?

Well, if this posting rate keeps up *I* could go back to commenting here. ;)

Shots from yesterday:
Floyd: amazing shots as always. :wub:
kalia: eh, I did ok. :P

In Topic: Pictures of Oblivion Screenshots

01 October 2008 - 07:01 PM

Warning! Nudity!

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In Topic: Pictures of Oblivion Screenshots

30 September 2008 - 09:32 PM

Warning! Nudity! - 1

Warning! Nudity! - 2

Warning! Nudity! - 3

Warning! Nudity! - 4

Warning! Nudity! - 5

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