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Member Since 30 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2009 12:58 AM

Topics I've Started

Nathaniel audio problem?

06 January 2008 - 05:43 PM

I'm having a problem where some of Nathaniel's audio isn't playing.  Instead of the spoken audio at the beginning of banters and lovetalks I only get a selection sound, and lovetalk theme music doesn't play.  All the files seem to be in the override folder.  I checked the readme and I don't think I got the "cannot open output file" error it mentioned, but I tried running nathaudio.bat anyway and nothing changed.

PS  About emailed stutter-bugged save games - a game where Nathaniel is actually stuttering, or just before he stutters?

Nathaniel not talking to Imoen

30 April 2007 - 03:40 AM

First, I absolutely love Nathaniel- broke my 'No more Baldurs Gate, do something useful with your life' resolution when I found this mod and his accent gives me the quivers. In a good way, of course.

On topic, I just rescued Imoen from Spellhold, and Nathaniel will try to talk to her but get nothing in response. I'll get the text, his voice, but when I click 'continue' it acts like I clicked 'end' and takes me back to the game. This happened a couple of times naturally and a couple of times by using the Ctrl-I hotkey, with the same result ie. no result. I've tried googling 'nathaniel imoen bg2' and searching this site for 'nathaniel' and haven't found anything.

Also, I was going to post about troubles with the love-talks, and thought I'd try out one more solution instead of posting about it. Guess what? It worked. So that's one less question from this silly semi-computer-illiterate person you have to answer :).