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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 26 2009 12:09 AM

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In Topic: How can I spend all that money?!

12 June 2007 - 12:50 AM

Monty Haul! Monty Haul :D !!
It never happened to me in normal game, so I suspect that it has to has something to do with mods <_< ...

I just checked my old savegames from my first completely unmodded game... so I discovered I exaggerated a little... I had only 160 000 gold at the end of SoA and 480 000 at the end of ToB. Still, it is way too much considering my game style (buying the most expensive stuff including the best ammo all the time, not stealing from people, ignoring the less interesting loot, not using any special strategy to make profit, etc.)

In Topic: How can I spend all that money?!

11 June 2007 - 03:21 AM

I must play the game wrong... I've never had anywhere *close* to that kind of gold.

I just pick up every magical stuff and the most expensive of other stuff (diamonds and better) that I find on dead enemies and sell it (no stealing from anyone alive or such - I am usually even keeping things in houses if someone lives there). I am now close to killing Irenicus and have over 700 000 gold (I have some mega-mods installed, but I would have several hundreds of thousands anyway).

In Topic: How can I spend all that money?!

06 June 2007 - 06:48 AM

Thx. Still, I would like to see some mod that would allow me to actually get something SPECIAL for that money. This way it feels more like only cheating the money away.

In Topic: The biggest running Mega-WeiDU Install of all

30 April 2007 - 12:16 AM

Hi there. I had some problems with mega installation based on your instructions, except with many of the smaller mods skipped. Maybe you would like to know.

In Topic: Plz help - instalation not working

30 April 2007 - 12:09 AM


The tAR0602.BAF did not help (no effect at all), but I found the way to get rid of my cutscene problem by not installing the Mortis' Mini-mod v2.31. (Tested adding mods one after another and the problem started after its installation).

As for the CTD, I didn't istalled Chores this time, so I don't have the part with it in the game at all.