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Member Since 20 Jan 2003
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2006 09:59 PM

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In Topic: High Level Adventures

18 June 2005 - 02:01 PM

AND, there is also my Mazzy the Paladin Mod (however mine takes place in SoA).
I suspect a lot of people dislike 2nd edition  :P

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And I suspect a lot of people like 2E and dislike 3E, too.

Especially since 3E is neither a third edition or even D&D except in brand name.

In Topic: Magical metals in AD&D?

17 June 2005 - 02:17 PM

Some of that is changed from 2nd edition, or slightly off.

Mithral is Tolkien's mithril, just given a different spelling for copyright purposes.

Cold iron isn't actually a different type of iron, it's just ordinary iron that has been cold-wrought or cold-forged instead of hot-forged. Reference: Planescape - Monstrous Compendium Appendix 1. Specifically, the discussion on elemental vulnerabilities w/ regards to celestial and fiendish races.

As for alchemical silver, it's the process itself that is magical/alchemical, and keeps it on the weapon. Not the metal. In a similar vein, you'll find silver-inlaid weapons that have the same abilities vs. silver-vulnerable creatures but don't even require the alchemy.

Also, you might come across references to adamantite. That's not a metal, it's the ore that adamantine (not the same stuff as adamantium such as that in Marvel Comics or WH40K) is refined from.

Nobody's mentioned meteoric iron/steel, which is generally metal refined from ore derived from meteors, and is both generally stronger/harder and has more tensile strength, and can have all sorts of interesting properties.

For actual, inherently magical metals, you'll largely have to look to other settings or fantasy literature. Offhand, the Baatezu make a type of green steel, and there are a number of magical metals in LotR, such as ithildin.

The best source for Realms-specific stuff like this is probably 2E's Volo's Guide to All Things Magical. Unfortunately, I don't have my copy here or I could look it up for you.

In Topic: TIZ file download Very slow

09 January 2005 - 12:32 AM

Specifically, where can I find:


Is there anywhere I can just find these?

In Topic: TIZ file download Very slow

08 January 2005 - 07:15 PM

And now that I have it, no less than six files within are corrupt.

Can I possibly find it's parts somewhere else?

In Topic: TIZ file download Very slow

08 January 2005 - 03:29 AM

Asia is the only ftp.

For those of us like dial-up, it may be slow, but it's certain.