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Member Since 16 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 28 2010 03:47 PM

Topics I've Started

Mega Kudos!

16 December 2010 - 07:04 PM

This is a brilliant mod for anyone who likes the interactions, storylines and jokes just as much (if not more!!) than the combat. If Boo is your favourite character, and Edwin already makes you crack up this mod will have you laughing out loud - possibly loud enough to wake up the neighbours.

Brilliantly written - funny without being superficial and slapstick; giving more insight into the original character and adding depth rather than changing his personality; a good mix of interactions, combat and the odd puzzle; some genuiunely sweet and romantic moments and the best "what happens next" end stories I've ever seen.

:cheers: :Bow: :hug: :woot: :wub:

Interactions with Anomen

04 August 2010 - 05:43 AM

I am having such fun with this mod :cheers: :Bow: I'm a big fan of character and plot over beating things up, and I love the occasional burst of sardonic humour, so your work is right up my street :woot:

Originally I only had Edwin as a standard NPC, but I loved the interactions between Eddy and Jonni so much I restarted ToB with minsc as well. He's chatting away with Jonni. I had a stroke of genius and decided to bring Anomen in as well, but didn't want to go back to the start again as I'd almost finished Saradush.

My problem is this. I've just finished Saradush, and I still haven't had any interaction between Anomen and Jonaleth. Is this normal, or did importing Anomen after I'd got Jonaleth in my party muck things up?

How do I kill Banco(?) -

13 July 2010 - 09:47 AM

This is the second time I've played the mod - but as my machine blew up before I got this far last time I haven't had to face this battle before. Before I ask for help let me say I simply love it - I've laughed out loud so many times my hubby thinks I've lost it :lol: I'm a fairly experienced player, but age and health problems mean I am not as fast or as sharp as I used to be, and my ability to do twenty things at once has long since vanished!

.I'm having problems killing the lich (I think his name is Banco).

I am playing a multi-mod game with Edwin?s romance, Berlinde?s Haldir and Tortured Souls (with a couple more minor mods). I?ve had no problems with clashes or hitches.

My line up is
Me ? Fighter 11 /Druid 13
Edwin - 14
Berelinde's mod - Haldamir (fighter 14)
From tortured souls ? Sime (cleric12/ ranger 11), Yoshi (bounty hunter 17) and Kachiko (kensai14/mage7)
Everyone has +3 weapons, and Armour Classes of 10 or 11 for the three tanks, -6 or -7 for the others.
I?ve got an extra Haldamir (courtesy of the helmet). Here?s most of the spells I?m using:-
Whole party ? Speed; Protection from Evil; Remove Fear, Chant, everyone has some kind of psychic protection such as mind shield or chaotic commands
Edwin ? Stoneskin; Ghost Armour; Vocalise; Fire Shield Blue; Improved Invisibility; Spell deflection; Protection from Magical Weapons; Chaotic Commands.
Kachiko ? pretty much the same as Edwin
I have a party member with true seeing.

Following the advice I?ve seen in another thread I send all my fighters in to beat up the wizards fighters. I then attempt to attack the wizards ? but I can?t. Even with true sight plus dispel invisibility I can?t target any spell on them ? including all the heavy duty remove spells I?ve got learned up. If I wait for their sanctuary spells to wear off the lich just removes all of group spells (such as speed) and then peels away Edwin?s protection ? and I get creamed long before I can touch the lesser wizards let alone the lich.

So pretty please can anyone help me? Am I trying to do this battle too soon? Have I missed an obvious step? Or (hangs head in shame) should I resort to CTRL Y?

Fabio - Can I keep him

21 May 2010 - 05:05 PM

Can I take Fabio back to the Sword Coast with me, and can I keep him for the rest of the game? (I promise to feed and water, or even wine him, and to clean out his pen!) :P

I just started this mod for the first time ever and to my total surprise I found a new joinable NPC - the rather luscious Fabio. I would really like to use this character, but reading the Readme history of changes notes has left me a bit confused.

Sorry if this has alrady been answered, but the search function doesn't seem to be working :(

BG2 NPC mods for BG1 characters

15 February 2010 - 06:48 AM

I have found a few mods that allow you to play BG2 with characters from BG1, which are also compatible with BGT. These mods all give extra material - interaction with the main character (maybe a romance), extra dialogue and maybe a quest or two.

I would like to know what happens if you use one of these mods, then play these characters in the BG1 portion of BGT, and take them with you to BG2. Do you need to do anything special to make the transferred character work as part of the NPC mod? I'd also like advice about when to install these mods.