Usually I stay out of modding/forum politics. Been there done that back in the great days of TeamBG. But since you seem to have an issue on how my forum operates, I suppose I'll have to say something on it. I would have to say you are quite the exaggerator. We're not in the habit of editing someone's post as Gabrielle has pointed out. Deleted posts hmm no on that. If there are any flame posts they are kept out in the open for a period of time, than they are put away as proof. And like any other forum out there, old posts, threads and topics are removed for space/storage reasons.I also might not be quite so suspicious of your posts' content if you weren't a member of staff at the IE forum whose staff have deleted and edited more posts, locked more threads, etc than any other IE community, past or present.
Maybe you yourself don't act in the same way as most of your fellows. If that's the case, and if you really feel so strongly about the subject of moderators abusing their power, perhaps your time would be better spent calling for reform at your own forum rather than elsewhere.
Posts are usually locked because they went off topic, spam, flammatory, old irrelevent posts, etc.
As I can see from the majority of the postings in this thread, some reform has to happen here.
Now if you supposedly had a problem on how my board operates, I haven't seen you there complaing or offering suggestions on improvement.
Let my quote your esteem leader in case you do not agree with my forums policy.
...keep in mind that nothing forces you to post here - or anywhere else.