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Member Since 05 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active May 22 2011 09:20 AM

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In Topic: What has happened?

27 January 2011 - 06:57 AM

Im so blind. :doh:  Thank's dabus i'm really, really blind, i didn't notice a number between a mod name and a letter (N,E,F).
The examples really helped me. Now everything is clear.
Once again thanks!

Two days looking for ... something never exist -_-

In Topic: What has happened?

26 January 2011 - 11:04 AM

U mean i should make folder for example name Polish, copy all files from English folder and in file tra.txt choose N for mods with Polish translation and E for other in English? That's it?

PS. Thanks for advice.

Isee i understood you in wrong way earlier.

Ok i want previus Foreign language mods and all other in English. How can i define Foreign language. I know F define but F mean many language how can I set the one that I want?

In Topic: What has happened?

26 January 2011 - 08:50 AM

There is only 4 language to choice i would set another one.
In previous version we can change language in the Big World Instal.bat, now in this .bat we can only change components but not language. :(

In Topic: What has happened?

26 January 2011 - 07:42 AM

Hi I've got another question. Maybe I'm blind but i can't find how can I change the language in particular mod.  
Reading a Readme and other .txt, but no info.
I'm using BWP 9.7. Thanks for any replies.

edit. I know i schould modify the: tempalte tra.txt but i cnt find how can I select(set) the native language.