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Freedan the Eternal

Member Since 01 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2007 01:14 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Small problem with IWD: HoW: ToTL

31 August 2007 - 01:09 PM

Okay, then. I'll play around with it a bit more. Check for a sound file in the override? That'll be my first.

I really don't want to download again, because my connection sucks, and it took over six hours the first time.

In Topic: Orphan Characters

30 March 2007 - 01:00 PM

Here's on that's not an elf! Though please forgive me if my geography of Faerun leaves something to be desired in his bio.

Name: Alastor
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral
Class: Black Guard (I know it defies the rules, but bear with me through until the end)

STR: 18/06
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 13
WIS: 12
CHA: 16

Weapon Skills:
Long Sword ++
Crossbow ++
Single Weapon Style ++
I THINK that's the right number of prof. for near the start of SoA.

Alastor is the son of a noble family in Waterdeep, but he has long since shed all ties with his family, and has lived on his own for the most part since his teenage years. Though he does not usually talk about it, his father was a fairly successful merchant, but also a drunk and a womanizer, and was known for beating his wife. One night, while particularly soused, Alastor feared for his mother's life, and when his father grabbed a fire-poker, Alastor stepped in to protect her. Alastor accidentally killed his father in the ensuing fight. In a panic, his mother told him to pack and shipped him south, to Baldur's Gate. The ship never made it, as it was attacked by pirates, and Alastor was thrown overboard during the fight.

When he woke up, he found that he had drifted up upon the coast somewhere. With his money and luggage gone, he was ready to give up. He decided at that moment that he did not care for anything. Not that he had killed his drunken father, or that he had been shipped away from the only life he knew, or even that he was penniless and likely to starve. In not caring, his salvation appeared. A god that would never reveal him or herself took pity on Alastor, and guided a merchant caravan to him, saving his life. Alastor also found that the god had granted him powers to defend himself, similar to the infamous Black Guards', but he could use them as he pleased. He saw Baldur's Gate, and journeyed across much of the continant, sometimes alone, sometimes in company. Some lands know him as a hero, and others a villain. His actions seem to be wild and unpredictable, and sometimes even contradict themselves.

On his 21st birthday, a weapon blessed by the god appeared to him, and it has never left his side since. Alastor still does not know which god's blessing he has earned, but truth be told, he doesn't care. He travels to Amn now, hoping for something interesting to occur.

As summed up in the bio, Alastor doesn't really care what happens. He doesn't mind being a good guy, and he doesn't mind being a villain. He tends to talk a lot of trash, and put down his friends and enemies alike. He never touches alcohol, however, and is respectful of women, though he simply glares someone into silence if they ask about his family. He speaks perfect English (common), does not slur, and is experienced to life on the road. He also has a weakness for young children. If one is in trouble or needs help, he does no hesitate to do so, though he will not speak about his reasons for doing so.

The Idea:
Alastor would have three different friendship tracks, one for each main alignment of the PC, and would also be romancable by Good or Evil aligned female PCs (No nuetral here.). Each of the tracks would be completely different from the others. A possible example would be that in the Good romance track, he would likely have discussions with the PC about what the purpose of the way she clings to justice and right was, and would perhaps would attempt to sway her away from such "silly notions," while at the same time there is something incredibly intriguing about her that draws him to her, and she would be able to sway him toward her beliefs and make him care whether he lives or dies for the first time in his life since he left Waterdeep, and the possible reverse would hold true for the evil romance. There's no redeeming to this one. It would be trying to get through the shield of "not caring" that encases his heart. This would be reflected by a good PC getting him to shift his alignment to Chaotic Good, while an evil PC would go the other direction.

In the actual dialogues, Alastor could likely be compared with the Edwin romance (which I love) in the way he will occasionally put the PC down and insult her, but her being able to slam him right back would be a possible option, and may even have a better effect sometimes than being nice would, but it should be completable both ways. Plus, Alastor would not volunteer to talk about his past, as he has completely seperated himself from his family and does not enjoy speaking of it. If you want to hear it from his mouth, you'd have to drag it out of him. At the same time, he's not one who complains terribly much about the world or his life, because, as we've stated before, he doesn't care. No whining here.

Alastor would naturally banter with everyone, but the ones I picture him having the most talks with would be Jaheira, Imoen, Keldorn, and Mazzy. Jaheira in particular, though, as for some reason I picture her almost as a mother figure to the PC and Imoen after Gorion's death, though she treats them more as equals than children. Alastor would see this resemblence and it would cause problems between the two, but not to the point of trading blows over it.

Some Footnotes:
The idea of Alastor is actually based off an old PnP character I used to play, with the same name and a similar bio and personality, and was also a Chaotic Nuetral Black Guard. The PnP Alastor spoke with a British accent and and generally acted like he didn't care about his companions, but would watch out for them. He was the kind of guy that acted like a jerk, wanted everyone to think he was a jerk, and probably really was a jerk, but he watched out for his friends.

A few memorable quotes:
"Well, if I want something done right, it's obvious I have to kill my friends before they try to help."

Talking to a paladin lecturing him on justice etc:
"Hey, you better wipe your mouth. You're spewing s***e again."

"You know, I've never seen a dwarf wear a helmet without horns. I wonder if I could toss one like a pitchfork."

"'Scuse me, can I borrow this sledgehammer? Nothing important, just going to bash in a certain long-winded paladin's face."

If someone would actually like to do the coding for Al, I can do the writing. I don't know jack about coding, and would likely give up on the character long before he was finished if I attempted.

In Topic: Requesting a Little Help with Installation

08 March 2007 - 11:39 AM

Thanks for the quick reply. I guess I'll go spend the next couple of hours reinstalling then.

In Topic: Yoshimo and Mazzy

22 February 2007 - 12:25 PM

I remember her threatening to kill Edwin at one point as well.

Mazzy be one bad girl. :whistling: