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Member Since 16 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 12 2010 03:44 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Travel between BG and BG2

22 February 2007 - 02:35 PM

cmon guys... please tell me is there any mod to travel from ToB to Amn out there?

You've got the PlanarSphere Return mod for that. However, trying to enter the World Map will crash the game, so not much use. You can only access the slums, without cluaing with it.

In Topic: Planar Sphere Mod v2.6a

22 February 2007 - 02:30 PM




CRE and ITM is simply removing one portrait, removing gold drops littering the floors, adding boots of speed to one drop, and making the artifact unsellable.

Not sure how you'd go about doing this really, and why you'd need this list. Can't you just remove the PSMod entry from WeiDu.log and run the install?

In Topic: Planar Sphere Mod v2.6a

22 February 2007 - 06:47 AM

How good of you to join us, Duality. :)

The changes I made to the baatezu and rakshasa are as following:

@0 = ~Welcome, Headmaster, to the Academy Shop.~
@1 = ~May I see what you have?~
@2 = ~Whats your name?~
@3 = ~But of course, and considering your rank, there will be a sizable discount. ~
@4 = ~Vortel, Headmaster... While not officially a member of the Cowled Wizards, I pride myself on being their chief importer of magics both great and small. ~
@5 = ~Very Good.~
@6 = ~Excellent. Can I see what you have then, please?~

My version
@0 = ~Welcome, Headmaster, to the Academy Shop. What can I do for you today?~
@1 = ~I'd like to see your services.~
@2 = ~Who are you and what are you doing here?~
@3 = ~But of course! And considering your rank, there will be a sizable discount.~
@4 = ~I am Vortel, Headmaster. While not officially a member of the Cowled Wizards, I pride myself on being their chief importer of magics both great and small.~
@5 = ~And you're a... a rakshasa, is that so?~
@6 = ~Excellent. Can I see what you have then, please?~
@7 = ~Yes, Headmaster, that seems to be the case.~
@8 = ~How is that even allowed?~
@9 = ~Aha. Well, I suppose that's alright then.~
@10 = ~Excellent. Can I see what you have then, please?~
@11 = ~Sorry, sir?~
@12 = ~I mean, you're a rakshasa for crying out loud!~
@13 = ~Oh, that. Well, I could have changed into another shape, but any decent mage would have seen through the disguise. And besides, I'd still have the urge to gnaw the flesh off the faces of little human children. So I said to myself, "What's the point, Vortel?", y'know?~
@14 = ~Uh. I... see.~
@15 = ~(Sigh) Could I just please see your wares?~
@16 = ~Nothing, actually. I'll be on my way.~

The thing that first made me want to change it, was the fact that no matter what dialogue options you chose, you always had to look at his wares. Also, the dialog was really dry, which was strange since having a raksasha indirectly working for you is soo cool and strange!
Now it runs smoother, and the dialogue is more flexible, as is also the case with the longer baatezu dialog, as I hope you'll agree.
The baatezu dialog is longer, so here's the links to the two .tra-files: Original and Updated.

Knowing that you went into this project not wishing to change the orignal plot, and finding that there was little else I could change without doing this myself, I decided not to touch the mod at all.
Since you're back however, I'd be glad to resume, in collaboration with you.
I sent you an e-mail, but I did not receive an answer. Am I from this to understand that your current e-mail is not working?

I've written some of the changes I'd like to make. Also, there's the funny thing you added to the mod, with the professor and all that. Since it's not finished and mostly just for show, I'd strongly recommend teleporting him out after the sequence is over, since when the sorcerer is spawned and starts killing everyone, the professor just stands there looking stupid and being totally ignored by the bloodthristy sorcerer.

On another note, since Duality is back and has more or less approved people tinkering with the mod, the download link to the mod is now working again.

According to my webstats, the mod has gotten 197 hits. Not sure if that's 197 actual unique downloads, but still... :)

In Topic: Dusting off old mods

19 February 2007 - 02:08 PM

I know not what worth or weight might be placed in the words I write here, but seeing as this thread was made by the OP, shortly after a discussion on the topic of the appropriateness of a mod I made some changes to (without the modders blessings), my ego spoke out to me and encouraged me to respond. As always, I bow to my ego and my desires.

As I see it, you might end up giving someone you like the right to change your work, only to later find that you did not find the changes to be to your satisfaction - even after you both discussed any future development thoroughly. You never know with these things,  you can never truly ensure that your work will not be raped, molested and beat into the unrecognizable.

Personally, in the readme, I'd expressly require any bug fixes (which I, of course, would welcome) to be patches which the user would have to download separately, perhaps later to be integrated into any future releases, at my choosing. Credit should of course always be given where credit is due.
However, in case of the Planar Sphere Mod and the Return Mod, which I have chosen to tinker with, the mod was taken over by another modder a long time ago, only to pass hands once again at a later point. What obligations does one have to the creator and later developers, who've all given up on the project? I feel none. Especially so with this mod, but, I'd really have no qualms about taking on any of the other mods in the Mod Resurrections forum without the explicit permission of whoever - except for the original creator, of course.

With the planar sphere mod, a clear distinction is set between the original mod and the changes that I've myself made, both on the page where you may download the mod and in the readme-file, where I haven't even taken credit anywhere other than in the entries of the changelog that I'm myself responsible for.
The user is free to choose, and the community can test and give feedback, so that anyone interested may learn if the changes merits closer examination and further development. If not, surely the cries of outrage should be enough to hinder any further disgrace to any mod.
Given that take-overs are always done in a similar manner and under similar circumstances (i.e. the mod isn't taken from a private page, to later be posted on another private page), there really shouldn't be a problem with taking over abandoned projects. I feel 'community' is the key-word here.
And, truly, I apologize for not taking the time to integrate myself into this community before taking on this project.

Best regards,

In Topic: Planar Sphere Mod v2.6a

16 February 2007 - 04:01 PM

As MajorTomSawyer says, changes were made. Not in any way critical ones though. Mostly cleaned up the language and added dialog options (that didnt really change the outcome) so one could roleplay the characters chosen alignment and make the whole thing look a bit more pro, IMHO.

The link to the download has been edited away, although the readme remains, and has also been moved from my server in case of some bot caching the URL to it somewhere.