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Member Since 03 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active May 16 2012 09:32 AM

Topics I've Started

To get this straight

21 October 2009 - 12:00 PM

K so I've been reading through as much info as I could find, and I believe my installation order should be like this:

* bg2 + tob
* official patch
* bg2 fixpack
* big picture
* bgtrilogy
* bgttweak
* bgtmusic
* tutugui
* shadows over soubar
* check the bodies
* worldmap to fix the incompatibility between bgt and the other two megamods

and then the small mods:

* bg2tweak
* banterpack
* all the 1pp mods
* lastly, widescreen

Did I miss any silly mistakes?

Also, I am interested in the underrepresented items pack but I'm not sure whether that's actually necessary after all the items introduced by SoS and CtB.

Mirrored avatar

01 October 2009 - 03:32 AM


One thing that still bothers me about Baldur's Gate 2 is that it seems to be impossible to disable sprite mirroring. The option is right there in the config program, but whatever you do, people's weapons will still switch hands depending on the direction they are facing. Is there any fix of mod that adresses this?

Thank you!

(hard to look for previous topics on this since all i found was either about paper dolls, or the cloak of mirroring)

Have they managed it yet?

22 December 2008 - 04:34 PM


It's been a long time since I played Baldur's Gate 2. I remember there were people looking into a way to get your custom portraits to show up in the in-game browser (which would be much more elegant than the current way of importing custom portraits). I have lost track of who did it and how far they got, so I am posting here to ask if anyone could give me an update on the matter.

Thanks in advance!