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Member Since 18 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2009 01:11 AM

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In Topic: Help With BPv161G Automated Installer

27 March 2007 - 05:33 AM

Ok here is a stupid question,,,,, so ,,in order to play,,BP (totaly updated) I need to install all these files in the above folders I.N.S.T.E.A.D

And I would suggest an install order something like this.
Updates to: Install Order
01. BG,+ BG-ToSC,+ BGTalesIntl5512
02. BG II,+ BG II-ToB,+ BGII-ToB Patch 26498, +BG2ThroneOfBhaalFixPack112
03. BG2_Fixpack-v2.exe
04. BGTv104-Install
05. SoS v1.11
06. TDD v1.11
07. CtB v1.8
08. TS ?BP v6.09
09. RoTv2.0 + Kit Pack
10. RoT2Fix1
11. NeJ2v68 +
12. SirensCall_v7_BGT
12. BG1_SlimeQuest
13. DsotSC4BGTWeidu185WM6
14. NtotSC4BGTWeidu145WM6
15. SoBH v205FullWM6
16. put BHDSNTpatch4BGT into overide folder
17. BG1NPC Project v111+ 112 Patch
18. The Grey Clan Episode 1 (tgc1e_bgt)
19. BP Series v3
20. Freedom?s Reign ? Reign of Virtue v3(FR_ROV_WeiDUv3)
21. Thalantir
22. The Lure of the Siren?s Call v45BGT (SirinesCall_v45_BGT)
23. Weimer-easy-v32 (Varo kun installoit!!!!)
24. Ascension-WeiDU-1.4.21
25. TurnaboutV1
26. Weimer-Spells50-v6
27. Weimer-TacticsMod-v23 (!!)
28. Weimer-ItemUpgrade v34
29. Weimer-Underep v5
30. ruad-v19
31. ImprovedAnvil (!!)
32. PrRings
33. AbyStoreV3
34. Auramaster_druid_kit
35. Morituri
36. TOB_Druidic_Sorcerer_Kit_Weidu_v1.7
37. wildmage14a
38. SCSvBGT_v4.3
39. BP v1.77 (BPv177)
40. D0QuestPack_v23
41. Improved_Horns-v1.2
42. UnfinishedBusiness-v15 (!!)
43. yasraenav7
44. Snakes
45. MorrowGateV7
46. DSoA
47. PlanarSphereMod_v2.0
48. SBS_v2
49. SongsAndSilence-v1
50. FadeSoAV3
51. HRD_full
52. Tashia_Remix_v1.0
53. elven_pack
54. Auren-v4
55. Amber-v23
56. Saerilethv13
57. tsujathav10
58. kindrekmod
59. Goo_v2
60. ChloeMod-v1.2
61. KWolf_NPC
62. ImprovedSummons
63. luizmodsv1.4c (1, 4 Noble=2)
64. zymisc2 (!!!!!!!!!!)
65. Run Setup-GUI.exe (Baldur's Gate Trilogy-related GUI)
65. Custom
66. BP-BGT World Map v6.4
And if you find newer, install that instead.
And the (!) are warning signs to not to install all of the components. Ah and that's not the newest one eather, but the best I can come up with now.

Ok, flying Finn, the crucial question - does it work, all the 60000 mods that you have installed. Did you finish the game from start to finish (he, he) without any major bug ( important charachters won't die, quests, mods won't start...).

In Topic: Abazigal unkillable

27 March 2007 - 05:18 AM

No mystery here. You just have hit him for too much demage for him to trigger the dialogue. The dialogue is triggered if he has life between some points so if you hit him to hard he`ll loose to much hit points he will be unkillable because only the dialog kills him

Interesting, I didn't know that! Does that work also for Tor'Gall (or whatever the trolls name in Nalia's main quest is), or is it a bug? I hit him and hit him, but he won't die. I installed Exenem's Vault before BP. It says that it is compatible with BP, but I fear that it will cause me bugs. There was also a mage in Planar Sphere that I couldn't kill, fortunately Tolgerias was killable so I left that mage behind.
I don't think that troll has I dialogue before his death so it could be a bug, wrong installation.

In Topic: Weapon upgrade mod?

22 December 2006 - 04:37 AM

Before would be just fine.

Thanks! Hate be off topic but I'm just going to install the game using this instructions http://www.shsforums...p...ost&id=4134 and I don't want to use BG1+exp. What other components shouldn't I install, what steps to leave out?

In Topic: Weapon upgrade mod?

22 December 2006 - 01:23 AM

Item upgrade mod v34 works fine with the mega install.  You should not use EaseOfUse anymore and use the BG2Tweak pack.


Thanks! Just one more thing, when should I install Item upgrade mod v34? According to this http://www.shsforums...showtopic=20240, before BP v177?