This TC rocks! Here are some bugs I found.
Why can't I go on after roasting the slavelords? Is it supposed to be another capture scenario? I had too many arrows of detonation and potions of explosions, not to mention the element of surprise, to have this fight be a problem. Shadow triggered the dialogue while hiding in shadows, then told everyone where to target their web scrolls and exploding devices. It still was scipted excellently, however, and it turned out to be a good fight. Stalman won't die, however, and I ended up leaving his invulnurable but almost dead self in an obscure corner in the previous area while we all turned invisible and ditched him. What's the deal? Let me into the dungeons, dang it!
There's a problem with CTD's regarding the +3 fire bastard sword "Incinerator". Perhaps with the stun effect, I think, but when I used a different weapon, my CTD's dropped down to zero on Suderdam.
Is the backpack of holding found on Captain Girana supposed to have the PC's stuff in it? It has consistently caused a CTD every time I try to open it.
Buranta Kal sounds interesting, but my good aligned PC party had no room or time for her. When I dumped her, she turned blue and ignored me. I might try to advance an evil PC who can appreciate her more.
I love Rivian, but she won't give me more than sympathy! What, are good aligned half orc berserkers not her type? The romance is dead (sniff).
Member Since 15 Nov 2006Offline Last Active Mar 13 2017 06:46 PM