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Member Since 10 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2006 06:39 PM

Topics I've Started

PS:T NPC's for BG2

10 November 2006 - 06:15 AM

hey guys, whats up. ive been playing BG2 for a while, and acouple months ago, a friend and i came up with the idea to create the NPC's of Planescape: Torment playable in BG2. i idid the stats, ports, and bios. but my friend went a step further and changed the char avatars to represent the actual chars better.

for instance, we changed morte to a skull (obviously), Ignus to a lesser Flame Elemental, you guys are gonna murder me for this one.. but Dak'kon to a Gith (closest thing we could find), Vhailor to a Death (doom?) Knight.

only avatars we couldnt figure out were Fall-From-Grace, which for lack of a better choice we used a Planatar (sp?), and Nordom, who we just turned into a golem >_<.

also neither of us knew how to add custom sound sets to BG2 or else we would have used all the sounds from PS:T.

unfortunately i had to format my comp last month due to a very nasty virus, that even my computer programing friend couldnt remove, and i forgot to backup the character files.

what im /r/ing (alittle 4chan humor) is someone to make a fully functional set of Planescape:Torment NPC's, complete with morte's teeth & Insults, annah's daggers, Fall-From-Graces' lips Diary, Dak'kons Zerth teachings, and maybe even everyones favorite little modron, super bot, toy (comes complete with kung-fu grip) ^_^.

or perhaps, if someone is up to the challange, a Planescape:Torment campaign for BG2:SOA/TOB