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In Topic: [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

10 October 2011 - 08:58 AM

I agree that the MDR issue is unacceptable. I find that I can fix it in v20 by disabling "Damage Fix" from ToBEx core, and "Concentration not broken on zero damage" [or whatever it's actually called] from ToBEx tweaks. So at the moment I'm leaning towards distributing v20 and making those deactivations in the install code - but noting that people who want to run v21 are welcome to. Thoughts welcomed, though.

If the MDR thing is fixable by option tweaking, then I'd say go for it.

Another thing bit me in SCS II v19 (and may thus be worth testing with a new TobEx) was the lack of backstab immunity for barbarians. (The preview fixes this too, JFYI. It may have been fixed in TobEx 20.)

In Topic: [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

03 October 2011 - 08:39 AM

Can someone advise me where we've got to with ToBEx? - should I be shipping v20 with SCS(II) or is v19 still the stablest extant version? And are there things I should be turning off? (I'm aware of the MDR problem.)

I've been running the latest public test release (from the "Public test releases" thread) without much issue (the file is labeled TobEx_Beta0021_test_110709.rar ). I had to put in "Strength Mod=0" to avoid weirdness with the STR tome in BG1, but otherwise haven't discovered any game-breaking issues.

At the top of that thread, Ascension64 says that one shouldn't redistribute the test versions, but this has been the most stable/usable one for me as of yet. Maybe he could be nudged into a "final" v21 beta?

I think the magic damage resistance issue is a complete game-breaker with SCS II, so my vote would have to go towards the 110709 version (or some 'stable' version based on it).

In Topic: Public test release feedback

19 July 2011 - 08:43 PM

With the same test release as in my previous post, the STR tome (BGT/Tutu) doesn't work as advertised in its description. Instead it seems to work like a permanent version of the "Strength" spell. I.e. if STR is below 18/50, you get 18/51 STR. (My character was at 18/27 if it matters.)

When I disable TobEx by renaming TobEx.dll to TobEx_disabled.dll, the character correctly jumps from 18/27 to 19 STR when using the tome.

EDIT: Also, setting "Strength Mod=0" in TobExCore.ini fixes it.

In Topic: Public test release feedback

18 July 2011 - 10:09 AM

Well, I can confirm that the Magic Damage Resistance fix works in my install with SCS v19 + TobEx_Beta0021_test_110709.rar. (And various other mods, but none that should affect this particular issue.)

In Topic: [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

03 July 2011 - 01:52 PM

@Monty/SoS: I think you've got "Disable_TobEx 0" and "Disable_TobEx 1" the wrong way round in that last post.

"Disable_TobEx 0" (default) is the one where TobEx gets installed along with SCS/SCSII. MDR doesn't work properly (for me) in this case.
"Disable_TobEx 1" is the one where TobEx doesn't get installed along with SCS/SCSII. MDR works properly (for me) in this case.