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Member Since 26 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2006 06:54 PM

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In Topic: How to upgrade Will the bard

26 September 2006 - 06:32 PM

It's a "long" bug i guess, i reported it long time ago and it seems it's not solved yet ;)


The source of the bug is that the weights of the block that updates Will's Flail is set to a value too high, so that block of code never get a chance to run. Easiest way to fix is: open the ~\NTotSC\D\KELLDA.d file with Wordpad, locate the block of code "BEGIN Tells", change "IF WEIGHT #4" to "IF WEIGHT #-1"(Actully it is the second line of code in the file, right under the line "APPEND ~KELDDA~"). Then recompile the KELLDDA.D file then it's done. Remember you can only upgrade Will's flail after Chapter 4(not in chapter 4, but chapter 5, 6, ...) and after you have finished the Bassilus and Wyvern quest.

To recompile the file, first copy the latest WeiDU.exe in your BGII directory, open Command Prompt mode, then go to your BGII directory, type
WeiDU NTotSC\D\KELDDA.d NTotSC\Language\english\D\KELDDA.TRA --out override
then Enter. This will create the correct KELDDA.dlg file in your override directory. If anything goes wrong, just delete this and you will be OK.

In Topic: Bonehill v2.05 Bugs

24 September 2006 - 09:46 AM

I've run across a couple of minor dialog bugs in the 2.05 version.

1st, when speaking with the bait seller when it comes to the part where he gives directions to the guard house, I get "No valid links or replies" in the dialog box, and in the acknowledgment box where you normally have the "continue" or "end dialog" I get the text about following the road to the south to get to the guard house.

2nd, when speaking to Pelltar to discuss all of the "wierd" happenings around Restenford, all the dialogs are fine until I go through the tree for investigating Bonehill, where I get the "no valid links or replies" error in both boxes. I can click on the acknowledgement box and continue on, and ask Pelltar to send me back to the temple, and then Gelpas bursts in and halts the transport, and the plot continues on as normal. Nothing fatal, that I can tell.

I think most of these "No valid links or replies" problems are due to some missing conditions in the dialogue logic. In this case the condition Global("BHGuardQuest","GLOBAL",1) is not covered in the "BEGIN 7" block. Actully if you talked to some commoners before you talked to the bait seller and if they did mention about the rats problems, and it will set the "BHGuardQuest" to 1 and then you will run into this "No valid links or replies" thing. Here is my suggestion:

  SAY @15
  IF ~GlobalLT("BHGuardQuest","GLOBAL",2)
~ THEN REPLY @16 DO ~SetGlobal("BHGuardQuest","GLOBAL",1)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL @17 EXIT
  IF ~GlobalLT("BHGuardQuest","GLOBAL",2)
  IF ~GlobalGT("BHGuardQuest","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN REPLY @19 DO ~AddexperienceParty(600)
SetGlobal("BHRatProblemDone","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT

I am doing this because I am trying to fix as many bugs as I can before my new mega-install. And this one still exists in version205. I hope it can be fixed if a new version comes out. I will check the Pelltar and other dialogue errors mentioned in this thread and report back later. Thanks.

In Topic: Lobar

22 September 2006 - 10:48 PM

Here is my solution of the prolem. Actually I think this come from a bug in the game engine. In a dialogue state block, if you put something after the line "IF ~~ THEN EXIT" it just won't show up correctly. To get it work, you have to add a reply text to it. So there is nothing wrong with Sir BB's code unless you have to deal with this bug to get it to work. :) In that case Sir BB's attached correct LOBAR.d file is also still bugged.
So if you talk to Lobar again, when he say"Hello again. A pleasure..." I just add some reply text like "Thanks. We are leaving. Bye now." (Or you can change it to whatever you feel appropriate to say here.) Also in Sir BB's original Lobar.d file, even if you have paid the 3000 gp, you can still talk about the book when chose the option "Welcome. We come here on business...", and the option "You're gonna prolong this forever? ..." is alway there so you have to pay another 3000 gp if you chose that, or again and again. That dosen't make sense. I changed that too, now if you have paid, you will not get the option to talk about the book anymore.

Ok, here is what you need to do. If you a doing a fresh install, download the attached LOBAR.d file, replace the same file in directory NTotSC\D in your BGII directory before install NTotSC. This file is based on the original file form NTotSC4BGTWeidu145WM6, it just add something to the BGII original LOBAR.dlg file. If you just want to fix you already installed game, don't use this one. Instead download the LOBAR1.d, and the LOBAR1.d is based on Sir BB's attached LOBAR.d file in this thread, which contain the whole contents of the LOBAR.tlk. Then, change LOBAR1.d to LOBAR.d and drop it into you BGII directory, which should be C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA by default if you installed the game on C: driver. Then dlownload the latest WeiDU and drop WeiDU.exe in your BGII directory too. Then go to Command Prompt(Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt),Type cd C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA then enter, then type weidu LOBAR.d --tlkout dialog.tlk --out override then enter to compile the dialogue. This also add the LOBAR.dlg file in your override folder. Then you are done. Or you can even edit you LOBAR.dlg with NI, but since it difficult to find a proper text reference for what to say, you better avoid that method.

Sorry for the long post. Just want to make sure for some less experienced users to know what to do. :P

Edit: Attach new files due to some errors. Sorry.

!!!Edit: I thought I corrected the name of the file, hmm. Now it is finally right. For those who downloaded the file LOBARB.D, please change the name to LOBAR.D. The contents of the file is correct, just the name is wrong. Sorry about that.

In Topic: Rot2.0 New SoA game hangs at the very begining

28 August 2006 - 09:14 PM

Thanks for the reply.

Compatibility is always a big problem among all the modders and players of the game. I know that it is true that most modders made their mod based on original BG1&BG2 install. Since baldurdash fix a lot of basic bugs of the game and become very stable now, I think it might be worthy for the modders to consider it with their mods. I beleive lots of them have already done so though sometimes some small bugs do show up. :)
I am a big fun of the BG series mostly because of the wonderful works of all those mod gods out there. I greatly appreciate that. That's why the game still lives after such a long time and with so much new games out there, and also why I am still playing it. Thank you all very much.

Also I figured out a sulotion to my problem, for those who need the answer please refer to this post for details. CamDawg's code provides a much smarter way for this particular problem, but you need to figure it out for other unmacthing bugs by yourself.

In Topic: Some solutions on the new FixpackBeta2 Incompatibility

28 August 2006 - 08:31 PM

Cool. Absolutely a smarter way to do it and exactly what I need. But it does need some experience on coding, and it requires that you know what to add, or change. Thank you very much. Give me a new idea about how to debug my game. Still got a lot to learn, though.