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Member Since 19 Dec 2002
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2009 08:54 PM

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In Topic: Valen Romance

29 March 2006 - 04:23 AM

No worries, the main reason for the Valen expansion is for the romance. I've been waiting since the mod was annouced and I check in to see how it's progressing every couple months. Keep up the good work Thorium we all appreciate it. :Bow:

In Topic: Valen Redemption

10 June 2005 - 10:55 AM

Didn't even remember this thread...

Anyway, thinking about it now, my statement above is from a good path point of view (always for me), so if someone wanted the evil path I wouldn't think they'd go for redemption and would just slave her out as Bhodi did- although that might not be possible...

What reason would an evil player redeem her? I can't think of one... hmm... did you?

The reason I said before that a redemption should depend on a successful romance was from my good path point of view that "love" would be the only thing powerful enough to make her want redemption or at least move her down the path of redemption. I think you understood but I wanted to make it clear just in case.

The romances are what keep me playing this game, who doesn't like romance?

I like that her redemption will be tough, which means I'll probably have to play several games in parallel to get that outcome  :thumb: