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Member Since 18 Dec 2002
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2009 05:23 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: creating a monk weapon with effects

05 April 2003 - 12:05 AM

Try talking to seifer because he is going to make a martial arts styles mod for use with the ryu and akuma part of his mod and this would greatly help him.

In Topic: An earlier attempt at Redemption?

03 April 2003 - 01:42 AM

I would just like to say that the clone idea sounds very good and I really like what user has said.

By the way I would like to congradulate dorotea for making a wonderful mod and I hope you do well with the edwin mod romance mod.

In Topic: Problems with installing Iomens Mod

30 March 2003 - 05:15 AM

This is the wrong forum make a bug report in the bugs and balancing here imoen's romance forum.

In Topic: Older versions archive part 5: Shadow Thieves

16 March 2003 - 01:07 PM

If you want to find out more about amn and the surrounding lands the go to this link D&D dragons classics for download and download the lands of intrigue book because that has detailed info on the shadow thieves, the council of six, and practicaly every thing you need to know about amn.

I got my avatar from hellkitty's picture site I think.

In Topic: Older versions archive part 5: Shadow Thieves

16 March 2003 - 12:50 PM

Out of all the shadow thieves you see in BG2 only renal bloodscalp is official printed in a book. The true leader of the shadow thieves is Iltarch Rhinnom Danniyr grandmaster of the shadow thieves and is one of council of six that control amn.