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Member Since 30 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2009 02:14 AM

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Another whine for help - Re: Jahiera in Cloakwood

14 September 2006 - 04:57 PM

Hey there,

Playing through BG for the second time, first in years, and now I'm stuck.

I'm doing the sidequest in Cloakwood, the one that I'm pretty sure you can only complete with Jahiera, because it involves the shadow druids, but I could be wrong.

Spoilers from here one in...

After rescuing Beador, I'm told to go back to the treehouse to save Maretha.  I do so, fight some bad druids, then....nothing.  I can't find Maretha.  Am I mistaken on where to go next?  I've already killed the guy hanging out on the second floor of the tree before rescuing Beador, could that be a problem?

Just want to know if it's a bug/script problem (I'm playing with BGT, if that helps) or if I'm just overlooking a minor detail.  I've tried finding the solution, but I can't even find a walkthrough that even mentions this quest.

Thanks in advance.

HELP AGAIN: Shut up, Minsc!

03 August 2006 - 12:36 PM

I think I've found a bug and it's irritating me.

I'm heading back to section four of the cloakwood area, after going back to section three and dealing with Amarande. As soon as I get there, Minsc goes into a loop, it's as if I'm using the talk icon on him over and over again. (I have BG1NPC for BGT installed). No matter what option I pick, he doesn't stop. I'm stuck in this endless cycle. I've tried using an older save and going in, but the exact same problem occurs.

If I time it just right, I can pause the game in-between this loop, so if I can't fix the problem, I can always kick him out of the party. I'ld rather not do that because I like him. If I do, will he still hang around Nashkel until I rescue Dynaheir, or have I lost him forever?

HELP: Game Crashes when entering Jovial Juggler

30 July 2006 - 06:48 AM

Hey there,

First of all, if this isn't the place to ask for technical assistance, then I apologize.

Anyways, I started a game using BGT, as tutu and my computer don't seem to get along very well.  And it was smooth sailing until...

I reached Bergerost.  I cannot enter the Jovial Juggler Inn.  When I do, the game crashes to the desktop, and it crashes while still running in the background (as if I hit the Start button on my keyboard) but I can't re-enter it.  Sometimes I even have to restart, because I can't open task manager to manually shut bgmain.exe off.

I searched the forums, but only found an example of where it crashes the second time you come to Bergerost, and doesn't seem to be the same problem.

If someone knows what the problem is, then great.  If you don't, can you tell me if you heard of this before?  What I mean is, if I can't locate the problem, but the rest of the game runs fine, then I'll just skip all the stuff you can do in the JJ.  However, I'm afraid that I'll keep playing and there will end up being similar crashes for buildings that are more essential to the progression of the game.

Thanks in advance.