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Member Since 26 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 06 2013 10:20 PM

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In Topic: Baldur's Gate Graphics Overhaul

24 July 2013 - 11:42 PM

Is there anything preventing someone from simply creating a patch that modifies the original BG executable so that it can do extended night areas like BGII?  Seems like something of a minor code difference between the two games.  Just wondering.

If it could be done, it would have been done. My guess (based on the mess we discovered in the City night files) is that the ability to add an Extended Night was added very late in the game's development cycle and was not back-ported to the other areas for lack of time. The majority of buildings actually occupy different places between night and day; you can see them jumping around if you place the day area on top of the night area as different layers in (say) Photoshop. That, combined with the very poor execution of the night textures, suggests that there was little-to-no real QA done on the City's night areas and that in turn would indicate that the ability to add night areas was added very late on. I emphasise though that this is based on surmise and that I have no actual factual evidence that this is what happened.




Okay, I appreciate your explanation, but this doesn't really explain why it's possible for the extended night areas to be added in BGT and BGTutu, but not possible for vanilla BG.  Since all the areas outside the city did not have extended night areas, they had to be created and added for BGT & BGTutu.  No?  So, why can't they be added for vanilla BG?  I have some coding experience and this seems like a small thing in the scheme of things.

In Topic: Baldur's Gate Graphics Overhaul

17 July 2013 - 12:26 PM

I'm one of "those" people who still prefer to play vanilla BGwTotSC over Tutu and BGT.  I'm a bit bummed that the BG Graphics Overhaul can't be used in my version of the game, but I understand the reason is technical.  I had a though and a question though:  Is there anything preventing someone from simply creating a patch that modifies the original BG executable so that it can do extended night areas like BGII?  Seems like something of a minor code difference between the two games.  Just wondering.