I stuck with Diablo III a lot longer than I thought I would, but I hit a wall toward the end of Inferno Act 3 and lost interest. When MP (monster power) came out, I considered giving it another chance, but I kinda got sick of the grinding. I wasn't making enough in the auction house to upgrade gear, so that was the end of that.
Member Since 07 Jul 2006Offline Last Active Private
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In Topic: Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Expansion
22 August 2013 - 10:09 AM
In Topic: Translations!
12 March 2013 - 08:44 AM
Thank you! I will be sure to include it!
In Topic: Beta-testers Wanted: Keldorn romance mod
26 February 2013 - 03:43 PM
Yeah, the non-beta version is definitely part of the plan. Unfortunately, like many modders, I have commitments that keep it lower on the priority list than it should be. The biggest of those commitments right now is Crossmod Banter Pack, which I'm sorry to say is still less than 50% ready for the next version up. Once that's out of the way, Keldorn will probably be the next thing, since it's pretty much ready to go with only minor refinements. When you see the next version of CBP come out, you'll know that Keldorn won't be far behind.
Glad you're enjoying the mod!
In Topic: So let's say a n00b wanted to mod...
22 February 2013 - 03:22 PM
Revisiting this, you could - theoretically - cut down on the number of characters you have to copy/paste, but it would mean adding one more state to the dialogue.
Looking at the one line with the multiple possibilities...
++ ~I like bugs.~ + response2
Then further down your D...
IF ~~ response2
SAY ~Oh?~
IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN + response2a
IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN + response2b
IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN + response2c
And then you could put the part of the NPC reply where it's different in three separate states. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Once the mod is traified, it's all going to be @345 or whatever anyway.
In Topic: NPC idea - Anishay
11 February 2013 - 11:00 PM
It's hard to quantify banter frequency because it depends so much on context. NPC interference in a key quest is very, very visible. Random comments to peasants, shopkeepers, etc., not so much. A mod may have 200 interjections, but if half of them are with Docks Prostitute #2, who cares? Likewise, if an otherwise silent NPC starts harping on Aran Linvail in every second sentence, it's highly visible.
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