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Member Since 04 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 06 2013 10:25 PM

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In Topic: TobEx Wish list

21 May 2013 - 02:08 AM

I haven't much of an idea about how to implement plugin support, but given that code changes from multiple sources have a high potential of conflict, it seems quite dangerous to me.

Well the potential conflict wouldn't be more than what any mod that alters the exe has even what TobEx has. The creator of such a plugin, would still need to have good knowledge of the inner workings of the engine and investigate possible conflicts with (other) exe-modifying mods (and ofcourse with TobEx). The user would still be the one that decides if he or she wants to use a plugin.


The biggest advantage is that modders, in this case me, can implement stuff on a TobEx-level (or engine-level) without resorting to direct byte-patching or having to integrate it into a personal version of TobEx of sorts (which would be a support nightmare).


As for the implementation, I would be willing to write the code and test it a bit. Then you/me/we can release an alpha version or something. The idea is ofcourse that no (additional) changes (to the engine) take place unless a plugin is loaded.


P.S. Things I'm currently investigating and would be implementing in a plugin:

- Shared Identification: Checks the entire party when determining if an identification spell/scroll/item is available. Avoids the need to shuffle items around each time you need your mage/bard/someone to identify an item.

- Multiple Launchers: As mentioned before would allow you to equip multiple launchers of the same type.

- A few other minor stuff.

In Topic: Innershade: Bug reports

18 May 2013 - 10:41 AM

uh, journal entries suck xD I hope to fix those, one day. I'm afraid I won't find time to do that any soon as stuff got a bit hectic at the University and... you know. But I hope it won't lower the gameplay significantly :)



Nope, and its easy to fix locally. :)

In Topic: Innershade: Bug reports

18 May 2013 - 10:33 AM

There's a bug with the Coin Child quest, the journal entry for completing it is never added (and thus not removing the other entries either). Using SetGlobal works but leads to another problem.

////////////////COIN CHILD


GlobalGT("ISHxCCJ","GLOBAL",1)  //ISHxCCJ never gets set to anything above 1 (here or in dialog)
SetGlobal("ISHxCCJ","GLOBAL",4) //causes the block to repeat, 4 is still greater than 1 :P


Othert than that, great mod! Really enjoy the areas! :D

In Topic: TobEx Wish list

18 May 2013 - 08:11 AM

It would indeed require more work to properly allow multiple launchers. More than what a patch can do. Which brings me to my next question: have you considered adding plugin support? Or alternatively: would you be interested in plugin support?

In Topic: TobEx Wish list

15 May 2013 - 06:53 AM

Yeah, you can easily just code a .patch file, chuck it in the ./TobEx/patch folder, and off you go.

Note there may be issues with calculating bonuses from launchers, as a bunch of functions will try to detect the launcher of ammo type, which would only ever return the first launcher of that type.

Good point, will dig some more, though I think I already came across it. :)