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Member Since 11 Dec 2002
Offline Last Active Jul 03 2003 05:25 PM

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WeiDU Parse Errors

02 January 2003 - 09:56 PM

I was reading through a few .d files earlier tonight (specifically, naliaj.d, having decompiled it from the basic bioware naliaj.dlg), and noticed that when I attempted to compile the .d file (using weidu 95), I got a parsing errors.  Nothing had been changed in the file itself; it was merely decompiled.  To (attempt to) compile the .d file, I was just typing weidu naliaj.d at the command prompt.  The output I got was as follows:

[ACTION.IDS] parsed
[./data\Default.bif] 5847739 bytes, 444 file entries, 0 tileset entries
[GTIMES.IDS] parsed
[TRIGGER.IDS] parsed
[SCRLEV.IDS] parsed
[OBJECT.IDS] parsed
[CLASS.IDS] parsed
[action list near line 895, column 14 of naliaj.d] PARSE ERROR at line 1 column 38-38
Near Text: >
    [Global] not found in ACTION.IDS
ERROR: parsing [naliaj.d]:  Parsing.Parse_error

ERROR: Parsing.Parse Error

Downloaded WeiDU 89, which hasn't any errors with the compiling.  Anyway, just thought you might be interested, as I'm relatively sure it's a WeiDU 95 problem and not *just* my inexpertise. :)