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Member Since 03 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2006 07:21 AM

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In Topic: Crash on entry: AR1300, Nalia's Keep

18 July 2006 - 06:32 PM

are they not almost certified to be fully compatible?

They who? If TDD,SOS,TS,CtB....then ya. But RoT is still working out the kinks I think. I'll monitor my game even more closely and report back. Aside from those MODS I have a number of samller one as listed up above. Its not an exact science trying to squash these things...

In Topic: Crash on entry: AR1300, Nalia's Keep

17 July 2006 - 02:17 PM

Upon further investigation problem seems to stem from an issue with the Cyclops animation. To wit;

CYC01.cre calls for animation ID: IC_CYCLOP - 57344

It wuld appear that this was reason for crash as when I changed called animation in creature file to;

Animation ID: IC_ETTIN - 57360

Area now loads fine. Possible there may be other animation problems too now that I think of it. IKE's dungeon at the start had an oddity in it with relation to the Duregars. When enlarged they took the form of

(I Think) Death Knights, rather then Giants. Only two problems I've encounterd so far.


In Topic: Buglist

05 July 2006 - 04:21 PM

also the scene after 1 chapter dialogue where irenicus fight the mages and the cowls take imoen, the scene comes twice on top of each other, there's two Irenicus and double amount of mages..?

I've installed this a dozen times (actually five) so I don't think anythings wrong with the install

Try to do following (I can't test it so you'll be the 1st :)):
in NearInfinity editor (you should find out yourself what is it) open ENTJC3.BCS, remove last 2 lines of code
and hit Compile and Save.

Then try your savegame again. It could help.

P.S. Do you have another RoT cutscene before that?

I am encountering the same problem as Blue_Cut.

First RoT cutscene at start of game runs fine. Second cutscene runs just as I transport to level 2 of IRe's dungeon before Yoshi speaks. Cutscene seems to run as scripted then returns to game screen where Yoshi starts talking imediately (playing with MEGA install Incl. TS-BP).

In past I simply deleted (in NI) the cutscene but left the command lines changing states and variables active. I'm going to experiment now with a couple of other ideas.....

Update 1: The BCS file / Cutscene at issue is EnterJ.bcs as this is the one that plays just before teleport... Interesting note is that after the cutscene ends AND the Yoshi conversation is completed a series of battle results are reported between Catti-Brie and the remaing drow. This continues untill the drow are dead.

Update 2: I haven't the skills (yet) to find the solution. Well... as stated earlier (but not very clearly) I do have a work-around. Using NI backup AR0603.BCS to a safe location then delete ONLY the following lines from the first IF/THEN block:


The result is that I transport directly to AR0603.ARE and engage Yoshi in conversation. Quick save is then possible.

In Topic: BP-BGT-Worldmap v6.3 released

03 July 2006 - 06:13 AM

INDEED! Thanks all for the efforts made.   :Bow:

-Sincerly, the silent majority

After long time of waiting the new worldmap is released.

First of all a big thanks   :Bow:   :cheers:  :D  to KD, who has geniality to create such unbelievible codes, and Yacomo, who created the large and fantastic map.


Enjoy playing :D