That seems to have fixed it, i had no problems for several hours anyway. Thanks!This almost certainly isn't a mod thing if you can't reproduce it (like entering a *certain* area or something). Do you have antivirus or other memory-resident software running? If so, disconnect from the internet, disable everything you can and see if that helps.The freezes seem random (fight, dialog, camera panning, entering new area...)
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In Topic: BWP freezing issue
31 October 2010 - 05:27 AM
In Topic: BWP freezing issue
24 October 2010 - 03:19 AM
Do you want to know about the contents of baldur.err (it contains no information at all other than lots of empty blocks of Start Logging Sessions), or the change-log (6. from the FAQ)? The freezes seem random (fight, dialog, camera panning, entering new area...), although i can definitely make them more frequent with buffing the hell out of my party. I'll try some of slowdown tips from the FAQ and see if helps, but i don't know when i'll have time to do so.
In Topic: Version 2.1 Has been released (NEW)
20 January 2010 - 04:19 AM
Avoidable by pasuing the game before opening the window, which pauses the game as i remember. So i wonder if "pause" is a function and it would called before popping the window would it prevent it?Yep, this is the flickering I mention in the readme. It can happen when you open a window and something is moving in the visible area. Unavoidable as far as I know unfortunately.
In Topic: Version 4.0 of all 3 mods released!
14 January 2010 - 11:01 PM
What components would you NOT recommend to someone who haven't played PS:T before (my brother:P)... i mean from all 3?
What components would you NOT recommend to someone who haven't played PS:T before (my brother:P)... i mean from all 3?
In Topic: Setup failure
12 January 2010 - 02:39 PM
uploading your exe might be a good idea to see if it's just a local problem
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