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Member Since 15 Jun 2002
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2002 08:28 PM

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In Topic: Imoen's sexuality

20 October 2002 - 11:10 AM

@Kish: ask yourselves why the original romances were all hetro.
I'm hetro, I know people who aren't (just a few), but this doesn't
make me forget that being hetro is the normal condition.
If it wasn't, our race would long be dead by now.

Normal is only what the majority believes to be correct, it doesn't necessarily guarantee that the belief is correct. A simple example of this: there was once a time when the majority of people were told and believed that the Earth was the center of this galaxy, people considered this normal, but modern day science has proven it to be false.

Who are we to say that heterosexuals are more right than homosexuals?

The reason for Bioware including only heterosexual romances is simple, they didn't want any controversy, since there's still so many sensitive (or intolerant, take your pick) people out there.

If the majority of the human race had been homosexual, I'm sure evolution would've gone a certain way to make sure homo sapiens survived as a race, heh. Unless of course, you're religious, then er... I dunno what to say. O.o;