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Dr Clips

Member Since 17 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2006 10:01 PM

Topics I've Started

Dragon mission bugs

17 February 2006 - 10:01 PM

[quote name='Graoumf' date='Jun 1 2004, 08:46 AM' post='120541']
I hope I'm in the good forum... :unsure:

I have several mods installed, and have experienced some problems, so I will describe one general bug and one specific - the general one may be due to my configuration, but the specific one seems almsot certainly not.

General bug: some scrolls take me to the new scene, but no key combination seems to cause actions or bring up the interface controls.  I think this is a configuration problem or a flaw in my original CDs problems

Specific bug: in the arena quest a few odd things.

1. When the dragon is saved and makes it to an exit, the program "crashes"; I hear a beep and the controls are non-responsive.

2. Some of the players stop responding to moves on their way to the dragon to save him.  

I love the mod - just these points.
