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Member Since 06 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 09 2013 12:14 PM

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In Topic: Opcode 183 Apply Effect Itemtype

23 June 2013 - 08:25 AM

Cool, I'm still not sure about its limitations or possible issues, but I'll surely try this out. It has a huge potential imo. For example it should be able to give the Cavalier kit a +x bonus to AC when wielding a shield without causing the above mentioned issue, am I correct?


Anyway, thanks again for your work and for taking some time to help me. :)

In Topic: PnP Fiends [IMPLEMENTED]

06 August 2012 - 11:38 AM

Hi Demi,

from SCSII's readme : "the only demons in the game now kept at bay by a Pro/Evil are the ones that your party summons". Are you saying that SR's ProEvil spells do not even protect from party-summoned fiends ? If that is the case, how can one be protected from them ?

Binding demons within SR works as conjuring elementals did within vanilla. When you summon the fiend the caster has a 85% chance to control/bribe/convince the summoned demon to follow him, but there's a 15% chance the fiend will turn hostile.

There's no cheap way to grant "immunity from summoned demons" anymore, but now you have a very high chance (85%) of having the fiend fully on your side as a semi trusty ally ("semi" because unlike other SR summons fiends still get hostile if you harm them even accidentally).

In Topic: PnP Fiends [IMPLEMENTED]

06 August 2012 - 03:43 AM

If it can be of any help, SR's ProEvil spells don't grant "non-detection against demons". It was done for consistency with SCS demons (they ignore party's ProEvil) but I don't know if aTweaks takes such change into account probably not.