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Member Since 20 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2009 07:52 AM

Topics I've Started

jet'laya newbie problem

23 January 2006 - 02:53 AM

Hello, i seem to have quite peculiar problem. My Jet'Laya quest started normally, i travelled to dsc001, dsc002(phantoms - observed them for a while, they just fight nothing changes)  and then travelled north - location dsc4. There were few weak undeads, some cabin in southern part with wraith and thats it. No cavern to explore, nothing to do. What should i do, where should i go?

weird sewers cabinet

21 January 2006 - 03:36 PM

I found the stolen loot in the cabinet in the sewers. However, there are two "caches" there in the room, one with the loot and just next to it, but seemingy inaccessible due to a bug(v195). Whats that?

DSotSC4BGT-BPv160 install question/problem

20 January 2006 - 05:59 AM

Hi i used INSTALLATION GUIDE for BP-BGT-NEJ by mm75 to install the whole lot and figured, i could also install Dsotc. However, this error message showed up during the installation:

DSotSC\D/DS#LASKAL.D] parsed
ERROR: No translation provided for @1

[DSotSC\D/DS#LAUREL.D] ERROR at line 6 column 7-8
Near Text: @1
ERROR: parsing [DSotSC\D/DS#LAUREL.D]: Not_found
ERROR: compiling [DSotSC\D/DS#LAUREL.D]!
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [DSotSC for BGT-BP v1.6 Mod], rolling back to previous state
[DSotSC/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
[DSotSC/backup/0/UNINSTALL.0] loaded, 11858 bytes
Will uninstall 553 files for [SETUP-DSOTSC.TP2] component 0.

and install reverted all the changes. Please, tell me what batch file did i neglected, what did i do wrong?

(i followed the install correctly and the game works, also i ran the install prior installing world map)
